Monday, January 1, 2024

goodbye 2023

[stolen from Kwizgiver]
In 2023, I gained: a couple of prescriptions and several fun new people in my life.

I lost: weight (just a little), and hope in (much of) humankind.

I stopped: saying I can do it all. I can barely do any-one-thing.

I started: seriously thinking about moving.

I was hugely satisfied by: the magical appearance of a dedicated candy store in the town where I work. I've shopped there 4 times. So far. 

And frustrated by: myself.

I am so embarrassed that I: got so angry that I (supposedly) scared people with whom I work. I wasn't upset at/about them; it was a very irritating, button-pushing patron at closing time on a Saturday. If you are familiar with Sovereign Citizens, that's the level I was dealing with.

Once again, I: put off doing my taxes till the very last minute.

Once again, I did not: clean my house out of all the junk I do not need.

The biggest physical difference between me last December and this December is: I've lost a tiny bit of (apparently noticeable) weight, and my hair is much thinner for some reason.

The biggest psychological difference between me last December and this December is: I really have become quite selfish about my emotional needs.

I loved spending time: listening to podcasts, doing jigsaw puzzles on my laptop, and reading. Napping

Why did I spend even two minutes: getting involved in, or even worrying about, other people's BS.

I should have spent more time: traveling. 

I regret buying: so much junk food!

I will never regret buying a new furnace even though it cost so much money. I miss having a handyman around the house so I don't have to pay people.

I didn’t exercise enough. Not at all.

My "supervisors" drove me crazy. Luckily, everyone else I work with is so much fun and everyone is kindhearted and gentle with each other. Except the two that aren't.

The most relaxing place I went was a hotel near Sparky's apartment for a couple of nights in the spring just to get away. We didn't do that much, but I enjoy spending time with them.

Why did I put off calling to hire someone to fix my porch for so long? Like, years. My therapist finally made me promise to do it, and if I'm accountable to someone, I do it. Such a dork.

The best thing I did for someone else was listen and/or hug them.

The best thing I did for myself was take those naps. And listen to my inner voice when it says, FUCK NO!

The best thing someone did for me was made me do the things I know I need to do.

The one thing I’d like to do again, but do it better: boxing up shit and getting rid of it. The dribs and drabs I have done this year have felt so good to unload...

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