My job title at work is Head of Tech Service, which means, among other things, that I am the cataloger (hence my online 'persona') in a medium-sized public library in the middle of the U.S.
I have two remaining siblings, eight nieces and nephews, and I am great-aunt to eight sweet children spread all over the world (and one in heaven). Closer to home are Beast--my husband--and Sparky--our son. For the rest of the family, there is a list here, which I update occasionally when things change.
I'm pretty opinionated, and can be blunt--especially online, because I try not to be a bitch in person, though the success of this varies widely. Aside from being bull-headed* and less-than-tactful, I also have inherited a lot of good verbal skills and stubbornness from my gene pool.
There is a lot more to be said, but really...if you want to know who I am, read the memes. And remember, the me of the memes is the me that lives in my head; if you met me in real life, you might not recognize me. ;-)
* an adjective that just makes me laugh, based on family history....someday, perhaps, I'll share....
Sunday night
5 years ago