Sunday, December 31, 2023

Sunday Stealing

(Link in meme-roll)

1. Who did you spend time with this year?
In order of time: coworkers, Beast, facility and hospice staff, Sparky, various other friends. Sadly, I may have spent more time with people fixing things around my house than friends.

2. Anything change with the pets in your life?
Nope. Still don't have any aside from the occasional mouse foray into my kitchen cupboards. They really do like peanut butter.

3. What was your job like this year? What do you do? Did any roles or assignments change? If you aren’t employed, base this question on your work at home or volunteering.
I have a great deal of commentary about my job that I'm not going to get into*, and my boss(es), but suffice to say that I got a two-month pay bump to match the management role I've been filling for at least 5 years...and then volunteered for a pay cut back down to where I'd been getting paid because I literally cannot deal with idiot patrons (I can't be management if I don't deal with people--New Rule!). And I don't like getting ganged up on in a personnel meeting. And my boss is an idiot. Sparky calls him FuckinG Nate [not his real name] now all the time. And the Asst. Dir., with whom I've worked at this place for my entire time there, is just so fucking irritating. At least I finally told her she absolutely has to stop talking to me and others on staff AND PATRONS like we're morons.
And that's just the tip of the VERY LARGE ICEBERG.

4. What was the best book you read this year?  How many did you read?
It's kind of a tie between Hollow Kingdom and Remarkably Bright Creatures. [See yesterday's post for links to the books--I'm late for a nap.]

5. What did you do on your birthday and how old were you? Did you feel differently? 
I turned 60 this year and aside from NOT going to work, I have no idea what I did. I'd bet on a nap. I am definitely feeling like An Old but trying to fight against it. Finding myself cranky at Generic Kids These Days (not actually children) is a new feeling.

6. What political or social issue stirred you the most? 
Abortion and women's rights as a whole. Crimes against kids. Ukraine. Palestine/Israel. 
We had a bus of refugees from Texas dumped (the bus disappeared as soon as it was empty) at our commuter train station last night, so that was a manic hour of getting the station unlocked, feeding/clothing them (it was 33 degrees and they're from Venezuela), getting them and all their kiddos on a train the Big City...all because fucking Abbot is a fucking shithead.

7. Who was the most interesting new person you met?
Probably some of the kids that come in the children's room, now that I'm back in there more often.

8. What changed in your home? 
Inside, the biggest change was a completely new HVAC setup during the hottest week of the summer. I also finally hired someone to fix my front porch, since the steps were broken and the railings were disconnected from the handrail and listing outward. They also stained the deck for the first time in 7 years. Money just bled out of my account in August and September.

9. What have you learned throughout the year? (Other than crafts)  Can be a new skill or a life lesson.
I haven't learned any crafts. I have learned that I absolutely should not consider coworkers friends.  I got abso-bloody-lutely screwed multiple times for taking up causes that weren't mine to fight about. Done with that now.

10. What was your favourite outfit for warm weather? Cooler weather?  what do you wear when you dress up? Any new clothes or accessories you really love?
Nothing really has changed. Several years ago I discovered nursing pants and now wear those, in multiple non-white colors, all the time. SO MANY POCKETS!! I don't dress up because I don't go anywhere. It's mostly T-shirts of various levels of business/casual and sweatshirts and yoga pants at home. And warm socks in the winter. I did discover that I can't handle having hot feet. Summer was a drag.

11. Did you make or give up on any efforts to be healthier? Diet, water, exercise etc?
One of the medications I started taking this year has been unavailable for 2 months, with another chunk of time to go before it's (maybe) available again. This is having cascading impacts on my health overall. Also, I twisted my knee sometime in the summer, and they both ALWAYS hurt now. My sister had her first knee replacement at 62, so I guess I'm on schedule.

12. Fave meals, snacks, desserts, restaurants etc.? Eat out or eat in?
I have become a frequent fast-food app user. Pick a fast food in the area and I probably have it on my phone, and use it. Also started buying Factor meals.

13. Did you learn any new crafts or techniques? What was your favourite thing you made? 
No crafts. All I made was messes that I then had to clean up. I just don't have the bandwidth to plan and then DO things.

14. What are your hopes and dreams for the new year?  (Some suggestions-family, travel, work, lifestyle, hobbies, pets, appearance)
Sparky and I are going on vacation for the first time in 6+ years in February. I'm tentatively hoping we can do another trip together in the summer sometime when it's easier for Sparky to get time off.

15. What was the best new/new-to-you thing you a) bought b) made c) acquired in some other way?
Well, having heat (and AC) that is reliable is REALLY nice, but the thing that made me happiest is knowing I don't have to deal with the deck (porch) again for a minute. And I 'have a guy' now who can do all the other little house things for me: replacing screens in windows, power-washing the siding, replacing windows, etc. What a relief! I gotta move though, as soon I as I get everything neatened up. This house is ridiculously large for just me.    
*which of course I then did, sorry

1 sweet-talkers :

Roger Owen Green said...

I'm SO happy not to be working anymore, and your answer to #3 is a large reason, not the specifics but the general inanity.

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