Sunday, December 17, 2023

Sunday Stealing

(Link in meme-roll)
Stolen from LEP

1. What is the best Christmas gift you’ve ever received?
It's kind of a toss-up of my 8-year-old self finding a Barbie Dream House under the tree, or the year I got a complete set of Revere-ware, still in my kitchen cupboards, when I was ?28. There have been other good gifts, but those two years make me smile.

2. What is the worst Christmas gift you’ve ever received?
Two deaths in my family (of origin), and two funerals, in the month before Christmas in 1994.

3. Do you have a favorite Christmas song? 
This year, they started playing Christmas music on November 1 at Tom's place, so at this point, I'm just really tired of anything secular or "poppy." I'm looking forward to some actual carols at church on the Eve.

4. Does your family have any favorite holiday traditions?
Not so much anymore. I don't even do a tree. Sparky and I exchange desultory gifts, and I take some stuff to Beast. Oh, well, yeah: we do still try to do Chinese on the Eve before or after church. Beast was able to come a couple of times, but that's not happening ever again due to transport issues, unless we bring it to him.

5. What is your favorite Christmas snack?
My mom's homemade fudge, which I haven't made in decades because I would eat ALL OF IT! In one day. And then die of sugar poisoning.

6. Did you believe in Santa growing up?
I vaguely remember that I did. Possible even up to the Dream House, or at least I was still talking myself into it.

7. How early do you start decorating?
We used to put the tree up Thanksgiving weekend and do the rest of the decor at the same time.

8. Are you an early or last-minute shopper?
More and more, last-minute. I still need to get Sparky a belt, requested specifically. And a gift card.

9. Would you rather give or receive gifts?
I don't mind shopping for some people; others are impossible to shop for. But selfishly, I like to receive things that people thought of on their own that are perfect. I suck at that.

10. What’s your favorite Christmas movie?
Probably A Christmas Story because it reminds me of the person who strong-armed me into seeing it, and Beast (who spent most of his early childhood near Cleveland).

11. What is one of your Christmas memories?
The first Christmas after I got married we had to head out on Christmas Day to Walgreen's--the only store open that day even in a predominantly Jewish area--to buy me a book to read. Beast never forgot to get me at least one every year after that when he was still shopping.

12. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?
Beast's family did this, so we usually picked on to open on the Eve, and then let Santa come overnight and did all the rest in the morning.

1 sweet-talkers :

Roger Owen Green said...

I LOVE the word "desultory," which I first learned from a Simon and Garfunkel song.

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