started 3:40 12/7/23
3001. What is your half-birthday? My half-birthday is my mother-in-law's birthday. She was a Taurus. I'm a Scorpio.
3002. When is your un-birthday? Heh, see above, or if you mean not-my-birthday, I guess it's the other 364 days every year.
3003. Do you like movies about:
time travel? Yup, some.
the 80's? I like 80s movies, not so much looks back because they get so much wrong.
drugs? Not particularly.
crazy people? Wow, loaded question. I like movies that explore mental health, but I don't love movies about people who are horrible.
hallucinations? Not particularly.
aeroplanes? Some, sure, even though I spell it "air..."
death? Exploration of what death means, but not just movies where people die everywhere, constantly.
life? Yes.
the meaning of life? Uh, yeah.
fate? Some, sure.
3004. If you said yes to any of the above you should see Donnie Darko. If you HAVE seen it, what'd you think? I'm not going to see it at this point. I'll re-read the reviews and move forward into the future.
3005. If you were going to write a book what would it be about? Probably, like most people, ultimately about myself.
3006. Is radio obsolete? For me, kind of, but I did listen to the Packers game last week while driving, so...not entirely.
3007. Do you feel like you are entitled to have things without working for them? "Entitled?" "Things?" We are all--in this country--entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Are those "things?" Or do mean ownership of stuff? Because that is a deep philosophical question. Mostly I'm interested in being entitled to being treated like a human being, which is a lot of beings, and also something I'm increasingly seeing as not available to a lot of people.
3008. If yes than why do you believe you feel this way? I believe in the concept that we are not here on Earth to destroy each other and/or the planet on which we live as a whole. And we're doing a dang good job of treating everything like trash.
3009. If no, have you noticed that a lot of people around you feel this way? A lot of people I know aren't happy with the way the world looks right now. We all seem to be struggling in treating one another--including Nature--with grace.
3010. If yes than why do you believe they feel this way? <gestures broadly at the news headlines>
3011. "An eight track stereo, a color tv in every room and a half a piece of dope everyday. That's the American dream, nigga'"
How do you feel about the above quote? Hello my friend from c. 1973. Have you met the internet? Because it's gonna BLOW YOUR MIND!
3012. What is it from? I have no idea, but it's really hilarious since I'm sure I heard/read someone say that when I was 10.
3013. What year is it from? dude...sigh
3014. Do you believe that you will someday be famous? I certainly hope not! The one thing I never ever want to happen.
3015. What is YOUR IDEA of success? I'm just trying not to make the world worse, and be present for those I love.
3016. Do you believe that you will be successful? Mostly? Yes? Maybe?
3017. Will you be successful without hard work? Nope. Curtailing my negative traits gets harder every damn day.
3018. What brings you bad luck? Popping off without thinking. I seriously just need to fuckin' duct tape my face or take more emotional suppressing meds.
Is it true that you:
3019. Claim to be goth, punk, prep, emo or any other label? I eschew labels as a matter of pride. Yesterday I listened to My Fair Lady, Christmas pop music, some country, some electronica, some rock...and a lot of a legal podcast.
3020. Claim that your opinion is RIGHT? But it always is! {s} I'm actually hair-trigger aware of this attitude and try NOT to do it, except sarcastically.
3021. claim that your religion is RIGHT? Absolutely not. I think humans need something to believe in that is bigger than an individual, and we will create something out of whole cloth if we can't find something else.
3022. Claim to be a fan of a band when you really only like a few songs? Quite a change in tone here. I like what a like. Some bands do a lot of songs I like, some songs I like are the only ones by that band.
3023. Do ANYTHING to fit in or be accepted by ANYONE? Honey, at this point if you don't like me, I do not give a flying fuckkkkk.
3024. REFUSE to listen to the ideas or thoughts of others? It's all I do some days. Most people have lots of good ideas. I need to STFU and listen more.
3025. tell others to shut up? I never say that except jokingly. And rarely even then.
3026. say I HATE (insert any band)? I'm not a fan of screaming metal, try as Sparky has done for 15 years.
3027. say I HATE (insert anything)? Liver 'n onions.
3028. Only appreciate certain things that you LIKE? I mean, I think it's impossible to like what you don't like (ahem), but I can absolutely allow that other people have other preferences.
3029. like only one style of music? Nope, that's not me for sure.
3030. like only one style of clothes? I like comfortable clothes, so actually this is a 'style' I guess.
3031. hate a style of music? Ooops, did that up above in 3026.
3032. hate life? I do not hate life at all. I'm really bloody tiredof PEOPLE, though.
3033. Is it true that you:
3034. don't listen when parents, elders or authorities talk? Oh, I listen. Very politely, most of the time. And then I ignore them (usually). Also, I'm now officially an "elder" in every respect...
3035. do everything parents, elders and authorities tell you? Absolutely not.
3036. do things or want things because it looked cool on MTV? Not for lo these past 35 years. Or possibly more.
3037. hate everyone? Good Lord, we are stuck on hate this round ... no I do not hate everyone.
3038. hate everything? There are a lot of things I'm not overly fond of.
3039. hate disco? I bloody LOVE disco.
3040. hate rap? I'm fine with rap, but I'm not a connoisseur.
3041-3045 These question is for the guys
You are at her home with her. Both of you have drank a little wine, enough to loosen the inhibitions while not getting tipsy. You have snuggled on the couch and it's a good time for bed. You've been romantic, but you've not made any big moves on her. You're not sure if you are up to a night of love making or even if she's in the mood. She goes to the bedroom to put on something more comfortable... When she returns she is wearing an outfit that looks great on her and you notice that she has her hands tied in front of her, with a scrunchee... She stands in front of you and giggles nervously. You search for words to express how you feel, but before you can get any words out she gets on her knees in front of you and reaches out to hold your hand with both of hers. Your eyes find hers...
You are at her home with her. Both of you have drank a little wine, enough to loosen the inhibitions while not getting tipsy. You have snuggled on the couch and it's a good time for bed. You've been romantic, but you've not made any big moves on her. You're not sure if you are up to a night of love making or even if she's in the mood. She goes to the bedroom to put on something more comfortable... When she returns she is wearing an outfit that looks great on her and you notice that she has her hands tied in front of her, with a scrunchee... She stands in front of you and giggles nervously. You search for words to express how you feel, but before you can get any words out she gets on her knees in front of you and reaches out to hold your hand with both of hers. Your eyes find hers...
3041. How do you react to this?
3042. What message do you think she is sending?
3043. What do you do next?
3044. Is this a good way for her to approach her fantasy with you?
3045. If not, what would be a better way for her to approach you about wanting to be controlled during sex (consider that just outright talking about it might be hard for her)?
3046-3050 These questions is for the girls
You are at his home with him. Both of you have drank a little wine, enough to loosen the inhibitions while not getting tipsy. You have snuggled on the couch and it's a good time for bed. You've been romantic, but you've not made any big moves on him. You're not sure if you are up to a night of love making or even if he's in the mood. He goes to the bedroom to put on something more comfortable... When he returns she is wearing an outfit that looks great on him. He sits next to you. You kiss and kiss. You move your hands down his body to his chest and start unbuttoning his shirt but he stops you and whispers seductively. 'A good slave unbuttons them with her teeth .. and you do want to be my slave, don't you?'
You are at his home with him. Both of you have drank a little wine, enough to loosen the inhibitions while not getting tipsy. You have snuggled on the couch and it's a good time for bed. You've been romantic, but you've not made any big moves on him. You're not sure if you are up to a night of love making or even if he's in the mood. He goes to the bedroom to put on something more comfortable... When he returns she is wearing an outfit that looks great on him. He sits next to you. You kiss and kiss. You move your hands down his body to his chest and start unbuttoning his shirt but he stops you and whispers seductively. 'A good slave unbuttons them with her teeth .. and you do want to be my slave, don't you?'
3046. What do you do? I'm too old for this, but ... nope, my teeth are too old for this for sure.
3047. How do you react to this? I would absolutely start laughing my ass off.
3048. What message do you think he is sending? Do I care?? Fuggoff.
3049. Is this a good way for him to approach his fantasy with you? Sure, but I'm 100% uninterested.
3050. If not, what would be a better way for him to approach you about wanting to be in control during sex (consider that just outright talking about it might be hard for him)? Control of what? Me? Nope.
Is it true that you...
3051. are politically correct? I try to be aware of others' feelings in a given situation. So, yes, I guess.
3052. are too nice to say how you feel? Sometimes. Not often. I usually can't keep my mouth shut.
3053. don't think the world government affects you? The difficulty is what to do about what "world governments'" decisions are doing for/against me or those I care about.
3054. think that all people who are fat are ugly? Nope. I'm fat. My sweet Beast has always been on the "big side" and his parents were Weebles. Whatever.
3055. think all people who are thin are shallow? I have to struggle against this, but in all fairness that up until I was pregnant I was "skinny" that is, underweight for my height. I worry about others if they are "too thin" but I generally keep my opinions to myself.
3056. think you are getting solid information from advertisements? Hah!
3057. don't research the products you use? I mostly don't because literally everything is bad and I don't need that negativity on my conscience.
3058. believe that the lives of the people you love are somehow more important than the lives of the 6 billion other people in the world? I don't believe they are more important to the world, but they are absolutely more important to me and I whatever clout I have I will absolutely use to support/defend them.
3059. believe that the lives of your country men or woman are somehow more valuable than the lives of people from other countries? Not so much. I have a v e r y small circle of people I think are "more important."
3060. believe your ideas are somehow worth more than the ideas of others? I actively fight against this, because most people do seem to feel this way, and I abhor that. However, I do think that a person who has spent a lot of their life learning a specific subject or otherwise getting to know specific things should have a little bit more to say about those subjects than someone who has not done anything.
3061. repress things rather than deal with them? I come from a long line of repressers, so I try not to, but I think I probably do mroe than I should.
3062. mindlessly self indulge? Kind of my week/month lately.
3063. think there is only one right way? Heh, no. Although I'm willing to bet that my asst. dir isn't always right despite her attitude.
3064. think that this one right way could possibly be right for ALL of the 6 billion people on this planet? I absolutely KNOW this is false.
3065. decide something is UNTRUE just because you don't AGREE with it or you don't LIKE it? Wtf! If I disagree with and dislike a thing, like say racism, I'm not saying it doesn't exist. I'm saying it's WRONG. I am willing to acknowledge that some things I don't know about and have opinions on, I default to not liking/agreeing with. This is such a mind-blowing concept.
3066. What do you think of the outdated Chinese custom of foot-binding (tying a baby girl's toes under her foot, even if you have to break the bone, making her walk with her toes under her foot (or hobble)) because Chinese men like small feet? Fuck right off with that noise. Men just need to sit down and shut up. <--yes I'm aware I said I don't say that often, but I will, and do, say this often
3067. What do you think of plastic surgery? I never understand why anyone would CHOOSE to have surgery when literally anything can happen while you're in the hospital. I try to avoid incursions into my body by medical professionals as much as I can. But! I'm not going to say that others "shouldn't" do it.
3068. Is there a difference between foot binding and plastic surgery? What?
Are there any similarities between foot-binding and plastic surgery? What? Well, most of the time, surgery is the patient's choice. Foot-binding is NOT. If a man, or anyone else, is TELLING you to have surgery to "beautify" you, the answer is "Nope, and bye."
3069. Would you be likely to continue reading a book that began: 'It was a bright, defrosted, pussy-willow day at the onset of Spring, and the newlyweds were driving cross-country in a large roast turkey'? OK, I will need to know what is happening.
3070. If I don't quit smoking then I will sing a song.
If I sing a song then I either play an instrument or run a mile.
I do not play an instrument or run a mile.
Therefore I quit smoking.
Is this a valid argument? Whatever-the-fuck-ever. Sure, thought I don't see any argument here at all, just a logical conclusion.
3071. What came first, the acorn or the tree? Tree. {but only because I don't care at all}
3072. What is surrealism? If you were putting together a surrealist work of art, what would you do? According to Webster it is "the principles, ideals, or practice of producing fantastic or incongruous imagery or effects in art, literature, film, or theater by means of unnatural or irrational juxtapositions and combinations." My life is pretty surreal.
3073. What did you do on Halloween? Hid on the steps on my house, out of sight of the front door. However it was nasty weather and the doorbell only rang once.
3074. Some bees have made a comfortable nest for the winter inside your air conditioner. How would you remove the air conditioner from the window? I wouldn't. I'd probably smoke 'em out next spring if they didn't just freeze over winter.
3075. Why is quiet contemplation important? The brain needs breaks from being "on" all the time.
3076. Do you spend lots of time in quiet contemplation? How about any time?
If not, what distracts you? I spend a lot of time taking naps. Does that count?
3077. What is the lowest you have ever felt? This time of year is always fraught. I really hate winter.
3078. Who has changed your life dramatically for the better? Sparky.
3079. Is all your Christmas shopping done? Nope. 'Bout half.
3080. Who is the greatest writer you can think of and why? Stephen King is amazing. Isaac Asimov was pretty good. Nikki Giovanni is always worth reading.
3081. Are people either good or evil? We are all both.
3082. Can people be BOTH good an evil? Definitely.
3083. Is there good in a rapist or a murderer?
Is there evil in Mother Teresa? For sure: Hitler liked animals, Teresa was quite problematic.
3084. You are in a classroom setting. A teacher has asked for a surrealist project. One person comes in with cards. Each card has a picture. Some of the pictures are a breast, a penis, a urinal, open heart surgery, a woman sucking on a vacuum tube, etc. On the back of each picture is a phrase like 'Fuck you and all of your lesbian fish eating friends' or 'people who speak in metaphors oughtta shampoo my crotch'. The artist asks each person to take a random card, go around the room and at their turn hold up the card with the picture side out and read the phrase on the back.
Would you do it?
How would you feel about it?
What do you think the artist's intent is? Is this basically Cards Against Humanity? The person who did this probably needs to stop navel-gazing and join the rest of us in reality. I'm afraid I'd probably laugh at the whole procedure.
3085. Are you satisfied? Right now I could go for a home-cooked meal. Otherwise, yeah.
3086. MIA hmmm
3087. How fast do you drive? About 3 mph over the limit, unless it's icy.
3088. What do you want that you don't need? A household staff.
3089. What do you have that you wish you didn't? All the responsibility.
3090. What does it mean when someone suggests that you don't own your possessions, they own you? It means that if it actively causes pain to think about getting rid of something (or all the things), you need to learn to let go of it. You aren't what you own.
3091. Where do you get motivation? This is a really fantastic question. When you find out, please let me know.
3092. Did you ever wanna get with one of your teachers?
Did you ever actually get with one? There were a couple of cute teachers in my various schools, they were rarely MY teachers. And no.
3093. Have you ever had this happen, where one day you completely believe one thing and the next day you don't believe it anymore?
If yes, do you lie about your change of beliefs in order to appear consistent? Nope.
3094. Do you hide things about yourself from others?
If so why?
Is it because you are afraid they will be scared?
Or because YOU are scarred? I think I look like quite an open book, but in reality no one but Sparky and Beast and my family (maybe a couple of others) really knows me. I have trust issues these days. The last decade has been brutal for my willingness to put myself out there for debate.
3095. Do you recognize that some part of you is evil or do you feel like you are all good? Remember, up there, when I said we're all both good and evil? I'm one of those "all."
3096. If everyone were flying flags and putting up yellow ribbons in honor of the people who died in a war and someone put up black bows and ribbons all over the top of their house what would you think?
Would you want them to take it down?
Why? I would be fine with that.
3097. Is a foot massage meaningless or does it have implications? Depends. For me, these days, it's 100% pragmatic: my feet hurt, make them stop. The end.
3098. Are you sick of technology yet? Sometimes.
3099. After tattoos and piercings, I believe the next big thing will be implants (horns, metal plates, etc.) and after that will come genetic alteration (wings, purple skin, etc.).
Would you have any of this done to you?
Would you let your kids have it done?
What do you think the next big thing in body modification would be? I stopped modifying myself after pierced ears 45 years ago, so no I'm not having horn or purple skin installed. I did dye my hair for a decade or so to "cover the gray," but that has stopped as well. I don't even get haircuts anymore. My hope is that the Next Big Thing is that we all stop worrying about how we look.
3100. What's the most insulting thing you could come up with to say to someone? "You don't matter." It's not true, either.
finished 6:05 p.m.
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