Sunday, January 3, 2021

Sunday Stealing (for today....duh)

(Link in meme-roll) 
The end of the year

First things first, did you have a good year? 
Can anyone say yes to this? It was definitely a year of course corrections every day I woke up, so it was good from a "keeping alert" standpoint, but otherwise, there wasn't much to recommend it.
What was your favorite article of clothing this year? 
NOT wearing a bra for days on end. And yoga pants.
What song sums up this year for you? 

What was your favorite movie of the year? 
The only one I remember is the one Sparky made me watch over Christmas weekend: Bill & Ted: Face the Music. It was ok. Sparky cried at the end. 
Did an actor/actress catch your attention for the first time this year? 
Yes, but for lots of bad reasons, so we won't go into that here.
Favorite new TV show? 
I haven't watched TV regularly since LivePD went off the air at the end of May. We watched the Macy's parade and some football while Sparky was visiting (socially-distant and masked).

Did you make any big permanent changes this year? 

{chuckles darkly} Yeah. A few.

What was one nice thing you did for yourself?

Figured out how to pay the nursing home, without help from any Financial Advisors but myself, tyvm.
Did you develop a new obsession? 
Hand-washing and standing far away from others, on those rare occasions when I am near others.
Did you move? 
Very damn little.
Did you get a pet? 
I am on the verge of doing so, but haven't called shelters yet.
Do you regret not doing anything? 
I wish I'd've taken a winter vacation last year when I could. I wish I would've spent more time with Beast when I could. 
Do you regret doing something? 
Dear God.....! Only every . Single . Thing . 
Did anyone/thing make you so mad it stayed with you for days? 
My boss has been instructed, from the safety of my living room post-Zoom, to eat shit and die at least twice a month.
Did you lose anyone close to you? 
Lots of people in my life have died this year, from attrition AND from COVID. Not to mention the 350,000 Americans I didn't (and now won't) know who were slaughtered by the virus.

Also, I haven't been in the same room as my husband since July, when they decided he wasn't going to die after all and re-banned me from the nursing home. 

Who was important to you this year but wasn’t important last year? 
Hospice staff. Several new co-workers. BLM.
Who wasn’t as important to you this year as they were last year? 
I certainly saw less of everyone in my life as a whole this year. Doesn't mean they're less important, but it's been harder to connect for sure.
What was the best moment of the year for you? 
Seeing Beast wake up after a few weeks of not eating and being obstinately "asleep" when I was allowed in to sit with him. The turnaround from apathetic blob to his eyes opening when I played his favorite Styx songs, and listening intently as I read The Hobbit out loud still makes cry in happiness.
What was the worst? 
Not being able to see him, hug him, boop his nose, and tell him (in his face) to BEHAVE!
What have you learned about yourself this coming year? 
More reminders that I'm a fucking awesome actress--"you are so cheerful and calm" when I'm imploding inside. I am strong. I am getting old. I devolve quickly to college-age lifestyle when left alone too long. I AM ANGRY.
What do you wish for yourself?
Inner serenity. Answers. Friendship and hugs when this is over. A better life for Sparky. More time in the same room as Beast.

2 sweet-talkers :

zippiknits...sometimes said...

I’m sure that lots of bosses were clinically DOA in lots of Walter Mitty hospital scenarios this past year. 😱🌀🌀‼️😂🤣
Aaaaanddd! Welcome back, Cat!

Ordinarily Just Me said...

Long distance hug coming your way! It is extremely difficult when our loved ones are in hospice/nursing homes. My FIL is in one now and we cannot see him. It has been really difficult. I am glad you are still standing though even with the inner implosions. Wishing you well-OJM

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