Saturday, January 6, 2018

23 Skidoo

(Found here)
We are now officially, and permanently(?), off by 100
2101. Are you an optimist? I am a contrarian. If you are optimistic, I will be the pessimist to balance. What this means in practice, however, is that I end up looking fairly Pollyanna-ish to most people.

2102. If you were in the Breakfast Club, which character would you be? At the time I was totally the Molly Ringwald character (well, except for being cute and popular). Now, I'm absolutely certain I'm the Judd Nelson character.

2103. Who do you have no respect for? Well, I mean, aside from every Republican in Congress and in the upper reaches of the courts and executive branches of U.S. Government.

2104. Is the plural form of cactus cactuses or cactii? Cacti. One 'i'. But I really don't think we bash people these days for using "cactuses."

Is the plural form of penis penises or penii? Apparently, it's actually "penes" because I just looked it up.

2105. What does your favorite coffee mug look like? I don't drink coffee. I use glassware. If it were up to me, I'd get rid of all but about 2 plastic glasses.

2106. Have you ever gotten hurt at a concert? Uh, no...? I mean, aside from my eardrums.

2107. What age do you think it is most difficult to be? Define "difficult." I'm pretty sure every age is difficult.

2108. Do you like to be considered wierd weird or different? I don't mind it. At this point, it's pretty normal to be considered, when I'm considered at all, as a weirdo.

2109. Do you think you could handle a day in jail? Nope. Please God, do not make me do that.

2110. Is your body an amusement park? Not one that is in good repair.

2111. Are dj's obsolete? Doubtful.

2112. What is the best liquid in existence? Water is pretty damned amazing. ... yes, I'm actually drinking water right now

2113. What is turning out better than expected? This may not be the best day to ask me that. A friend died overnight and Beast was in a bad mood when I visited earlier.... Keeping my temper under control at work has been easy, though.

2114. Who is the most overbearing person you know? My freakin' sister! OK, no, but she's right up there. 90% of the men in the world?

2115. Who does it surprise you that you are close to? There are a lot of people in my circle that I would literally never have guessed would be there if you'd asked me in the past.

2116. Apparently Eminem got booed at the MTV music video awards because he was making fun of Moby onstage. What do you think of this? Again, the age of these questions is kinda cracking me up. Also, I think by now both Eminem and Moby have moved on. As have I. As have we all.

2117. Close your eyes. What do you see? Darkness.

2118. What's the best Van Halen song? Hmm, wow. Of their hits, I guess "Panama" is my favorite.

2119. What do you picture when you hear the word "Puritans?" Oh, the usual trope of men in weird hats with buckles and lots of black clothes. It's all a fable anyway, so....

2120. Have you ever been on a trampoline? Yes. It sounds like fun, but not outside right now.

2121. What do you use batteries for the most often? Flashlights, I guess?

2122. What do you find thrilling? Doing something new.

2123. Porch swing. Sunrise. What else could you ask for? Warm temperatures. I could ask for warm temperatures, or a bunch of blankets.

2124. Do you like William Shatner's cover of Mr Tambourine Man? Hell no! But his more recent "music" attempts have been much more fun.

2125. Where's the sexiest place to have a piercing? I'm 54. "Sexy" isn't really my purview these days.

2126. Do you get panic attacks? Yes. I had a tiny one earlier today in fact.

2127. How long does getting dressed to go to a club take you? Forever, seeing as how I haven't been to a "club" in years.

2128. What is Adam Ant's best song? "Crackpot History and the Right to Lie", though I like "A Man Called Marco" too.

2129. Does your body need improvement or is it just fine? "Just fine" is something I'm fairly certain my body will never see again.

2130. Does watching MTV or reading beauty magazines make you feel bad about yourself? I don't do either, so...

2132. What is the most romantic movie ever? I love Dr. Zhivago so much....

2133. Do you think that woman are treated as second class citizens of this world? Yes.

2134. What would you do if you were at a dance club with your significant other and he or she got into a fistfight with someone? I would leave, or at least call the police and then someone for a ride home.

2135. Has anyplace ever asked you to leave? Hmmm, yeah...? Maybe? Not in a Significant Other way, not that I recall.

2136. Have you ever been openly kicked out? Nope.

2137. Are you permanently banned from anywhere? Hah, no. Except for things I've banned mySELF from, like dive bars, crack-houses, and burning buildings.

2138. Who is your favorite movie director? Spielberg.

2139. What topic do you hate to talk about? The immediate future.

2140. Are you looking forward to the remake of Willie Wonka and the Chocolate factory or do you think it could never be as good as the original? Time-warp. I love the first movie, despite the seriously creepy part in the tunnel, and the second movie was good, except for the seriously creepy subplot about dentistry.

2141. Do you enjoy the band Ministry? Not so much.

2142. What is your coziest article of clothing? I'm wearing the softest sweatshirt I own right now. I wish I could wear it every day, sans bra, with yoga pants.

2143. What is your favorite word to say? "Fuck" has become my go to. Put it on my tombstone.

2144. Does your name and your significant other's name feel like one word to you? Yeah.

2145. Do you like the band the Buzzcocks? Wow! I haven't thought about them in a very very long time! Uh, not so much, though, really.

2146. Can you tell when other people are lieing lying? Sometimes. I generally proceed from the sense that most people are lying most of the time.

2147. Do you like to wear glitter? Nope.

2148. Would you prefer to wrap your own presents or have them all gift wrapped? I'd really rather have other people do ALL my work, thanks!

2149. Where do you go when you want to meet new people? I don't want to meet anyone new. I'm full. Pass.

2150. What is the best first sentence to a book, in your opinion? One that grabs my attention without being ridiculously stupid.

2151. Should fun or safety come first? Education should come first.

2152. Does mind over matter work for you? Sometimes. Sometimes it does not matter what I think, the world just keeps doing its own thing.

2153. What's the most weight you ever lost in one year? About 40 lbs.

2154. What are your feelings about punk and goth? I'm too old to care at all about it. Kids do what kids have always done. Adults are not supposed to "get it" and I don't bother trying.

2155. Did you ever write something when you were high and then looked at it sober and realized that it was nonsense? Hell to the yeah! I've written a lot of stuff under the influence of various emotions that didn't make sense in the morning.

2156. How often do you shave:
(guys) your face? n/a
(girls) your legs? meh, monthly maybe
(girls) under your arms? In the winter, maybe monthly. In warmer weather, weekly-ish.

2157. What word do you often hear people misuse? Pretty much all of them.

2158. Have you ever used somebody? Haven't we all?

2159. Are you paranoid? It certainly sounds like it tonight, doesn't it?

2160. What is the best music video of all time? Seriously, I think it still has to be Thriller, even after all these years.

2161. How many Shakespeare plays have you read all the way through? Probably 5 or 6. Maybe that's what I should do one of these years: read the rest of them.

2162. What was the deepest religious or spiritual experiance experience you've ever had? Let's just say that when I need to be calmed down and centered, church has been the best place for me.

2163. What is it like to be you today? Not good.

2164. Do you like to play games? I love board games and cards and stuff like that.

2165. Have you made any good friends on this diary site? I have made friends from blogs, yes.

2166. Have you met anyone from open diary? Not that I know of.

2167. What have you done lately that gave everyone something to talk about? Fuck, who the hell cares?!

2168. Do you get along with people who annoy you, disagree with you, dislike you, and hate you? Well, no. I mean why would I hang around people who don't like me? OK, if it's something where I have to be around someone in a situation like this, I would try to find some sort of common ground. But only if there was some payoff for it.

2169. When you ask for something do you make a request or a demand? I try to make it a request.

2170. Who are you a bad influence on? Myself.

2171. Who are you a good influence on? Other people.

2172. Who is on your Christmas list this year? We're a long way from that at this point. Presumably, Beast and Sparky will be. Otherwise, I don't know.

2173. How many other people do you know of that are doing this survey? Just one other.

2174. Have you ever intentionally had a one night stand? Uh...not intentionally, no.

2175. Do you tend to get car sick? Yes, I do.

2176. What is the length of your hair? Shoulder-length. I haven't had a haircut since August.

2177. Do you like to listen to techno music? Sometimes.

2178. Have you ever dyed your hair an unusual color? Nope.

2179. What do you think of these diary names?
Oculto: Emo
suffer victim: MORE emo
With A Purpose: Determined and earnest
Almost_Famous: blergh
In.The.Name.Of.Lust: ...are there pix?
The Phallic Stapler: Heh, this makes me chuckle
<*>SeXyCandace<*>: Spam

2180. What do you think of these entry titles?
Lesbians ... as far as the eye can see: Well, I mean...whatever.
Why Avril Lavigne sucks: Your opinion is as valid as anyone else's
Call On Jesus: Good song, generally not a bad plan
Buddha-licious: Oh buh-ruuuther!
WeLCome To The JungLe!: I just don't understand random capitalization
Geektastic: Yawn
Should I get an abortion?: I really don't think a blog entry is the best place to get advice on this topic.

2181. What do you find beautiful in an atypical way? Old people.

2182. What would you PHYSICALLY fight someone over? My son. Small children.

2183. What was the last thing you were invited to? I don't know. I didn't go.

2184. What do you like? Peace.

2185. Have you ever drank:
chartreuse? Nope.
absinthe? Hell to the nope.

2186. Do you plan your outfits ahead of time, pick them out the morning of, wear whatever was on the floor, or wear what you slept in? I usually pick them out in the mornings. Sometimes, the night before. If it's a big deal, I start planning a few days in advance or more depending on the event.

2187. How long have you ever gone without changing your
sheets: I think it's been about 3 weeks maybe.
clothes: I've probably spent close to 24 hours in one outfit when traveling. Maybe more.
underwear: Coupla days at most.
toothbrush: 6-8 months is the usual timeframe.

2189. What item should not be shared? ...speaking of toothbrushes...

2190. How do you keep control of your temper? Clamp my mouth shut and count to ten, try to take my mind out of the immediate action.

2191. If you could gain all of your dreams by giving a family member (little brother) to the goblin king who would turn him into a goblin, would you? Uh, no, that's a negatory. OK, yeah, I'm pretty sure I'd give up my sister at this point, and definitely her husband, but no one else.

2192. Do you like to listen to Duran Duran? Not particularly.

2193. Do you ever feel the need for MORE than life has to offer? Of course.

2194. What is your favorite children's story? The Little House by Virginia Burton.

2195. Do you think that adult books should have more pictures? Some of them would be far more interesting with pictures!

2196. What was your all time low? It's likely that I'm there right now.

2197. Do you make up songs and sing them to yourself when you're alone? Not so much. I mean sometimes, but not as a rule.

2198. Do you like to listen to the Smashing Pumpkins? No.

2199. Do you see the expression of emotion as weakness? Hah, as if. Nope. Emotions are healthy.

2200. Are you prepared in case of chemicle chemical, biological and nuclear attacks? I'm prepared to die. I don't want to live post-apocalypse.

1 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

This is meme goodness! All over the place. :)

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