Saturday, December 2, 2017

Friday 5

(Link in meme-roll)
Thanks a LOT
  1. What would you sarcastically like to thank your local government for?
    "Thank you for not giving me access to the lake I pay taxes to take care of."
  2. What would you sarcastically like to thank your body for?
    "Thanks for falling apart right on schedule."
  3. What would you sarcastically like to thank your neighbors for?
    "Thanks for the fireworks at random times ALL THE DAMNED YEAR!"
  4. What would you sarcastically like to thank the internet for?
    "Thanks for keeping me informed of all the truthiness."
  5. What would you sarcastically like to thank November for?
    "Thanks for the truly miserable weather."
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Lady Bird
Five questions inspired by the new Greta Gerwig film Lady Bird, which I recommend.
  1. What was moving out of your parents’ home like?
    After I graduated from college, I went home for about three weeks, packed up my life (??) and when I left in June it was to get married. It was weird, looking back from here.
  2. What makes popular kids in high school popular, and how were you like or unlike them?
    I don't have a clue where the "popular" comes from. It seems to be some combination of looks, smarts (not necessarily academics), and protection of some kind. I was not in the cool crowd.
  3. When you were in high school, where in the neighborhood did schoolmates hang out?
    In my neighborhood, there were no other kids. Seriously, two blocks in either direction there were a grand total of 10 people under 20. However, we had a local mall that was at that time the biggest in the world (yay us) and most kids hung out there.
  4. What was learning to drive like?
    My dad was pretty good about it. Mom was psycho. My driver's ed teacher was creepy and useless. I didn't get my license till about 6 months after I turned 16.
  5. What were your most difficult and least difficult subjects in high school?
    I intentionally didn't take hard science classes, because those would have been hard. Otherwise, gym was probably my worst class. I was good in literally every other class, really enjoyed myself.

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