Sunday, August 27, 2017

Sunday Stealing

(Link in meme-roll)
Art History

1. Do you look forward to the spring?
I live in the upper Midwest; the promise of spring is what keeps us all alive from Christmas Day on every winter. "Oh, I saw a bird today!" "Hey, we got two days of sun in a row!" "Are those tree limbs faintly green?"
2. Which area of the sciences do you enjoy the most?
I love physiology. Not so much biology, but the function of systems together. How things are built to work as a unit.
3. If you could own a classical statue in the form of any figure from myth, religion, or even modern fiction, who would you choose?
Athena. I would love to have a copy of the Athena that stood in the Acropolis when it was in its heyday. Of course, we don't know for sure what that statue looked like--I'd want a miniature of it, not full-size, for the record--despite the fake in Nashville. Why Athena? The goddess of wisdom and war.
4. Do you have a good relationship with your mother?
Probably the best I've ever had with her. I mean, we never argue anymore ... (sad face) ... she died 8 years ago.
5. What is your favorite mythological story?
Hmmm. Trying to do this without looking at anything to prompt me. I kind of love the story of Apollo driving the sun across the sky every day. And the story of Prometheus bringing fire to humans, and the punishment he suffered for it. Pretty brutal.
6. If you put on a big feast, what would you serve?
Chicken, burgers, brats, lots of salads, cake, pie. Basically summer cookout fare. However, my usual feast "style" is Thanksgiving-based, so turkey, potatoes, stuffing, veggies, bread, pie pie pie.
7. How do you have fun? (What is your favorite 'Earthly Delight'?)
Reading? Traveling for sure. Laughing for sure.
8. Do you often look for hidden messages and meanings?
Most of the time. Usually not in the moment, but later. However, I'm also very prone to reminding myself that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
9. Have you ever received an award or special position?
10. If a revolution was about to happen in your country, would you be part of it?
Oh, this is the part that's timely! hee Well, let's put it this way: I visited the Soviet Union at the end of its life as a country. When the U.S. starts to feel like that, I'll be fighting. My dad fought in WW2, I have read extensively about the Holocaust, and when I see that happening here I'll be fighting. I'll let you decide if either of those (or both) scenarios have any application today.
11. Have you ever planned an act of revenge?
Oh, I've done a LOT of planning!! The question is whether I've ever carried any plans out, though, isn't it?
A former boss told me once that the best way to get through a fraught situation is to quietly plan the demise of the person causing trouble. This has stood me in good stead through many meetings since.
12. What is the most dramatic thing you have ever done?
I don't generally DO dramatic. Maybe throwing the bag of trash back at the people who flung it one night decades ago at the lakefront on July 4. All the boys in our group were like, "Sit DOWN, what are you DOING!?!" I've done some really shocking, scary things over the years, but I wouldn't call them dramatic per se.
13. Do you care about your weight?
I care, but it's clear that I don't care enough to deal with it responsibly.
14. Is your life moving too slowly or too fast?
It's really moving at a pretty reasonable speed right now. Parts could go faster. Parts could slow down some.
15. Do you prefer to stay in the shade?
Yes. I'm a pale-skinned, easily-burned person. And, metaphorically, yes.
16. If you could have any mural on your ceiling, what would it look like?
I wouldn't. These have always made me wonder about the people living in the house. Do you WANT people to be staring up while you're talking to them? Or do you expect people to be so bored that they need something to look at while they're visiting?
17. Do you enjoy the countryside?
heh ... Yeah, I do.
18. Are you a romantic?
19. What is your favorite historic subject?
Early Church history, c. A.D. 30 to 200. I also like WW2 stuff, as mentioned above. And the Middle Ages. I just like history, can you tell?
20. Do you prefer landscape paintings?
Nope. I've always needed to have some people in the frame to interest me. I have memories of ENDLESS slide shows of landscapes/scenery as a child. "Didn't you take any pictures of PEOPLE, Dad???"
21. Are you interested in social issues?
Uh, yeah. You could probably say that. Those (few) of you on my Facebook feed are probably rolling your eyes and going, "Nonstop, man, nonstop."

4 sweet-talkers :

Stacy said...

Ha! You are farther north than I am, but I have uttered or heard all of those phrases right here in the mountains of sw PA. I don't think there is anything grayer or more dreary than Pennsylvania in the winter. Gray skies, gray trees, gray ground...and everything covered with dirty gray dust from treating the roads.

zippiknits...sometimes said...

I loved the Winter Questions. heehee
And, being interested in social causes is just so important so good on you!
Wish you could have had more time with your mom.
My own mom died suddenly in her sleep in 1984 when I was 45. I was just of the age that the conversations with her had started on my maternal ancestry. I had so many questions for her. I bet you did for your mom, too. You are very young.

Kwizgiver said...

#16--yes! I'm glad I am not the only person who didn't want a mural.

Cat. said...

Aw, Zippi, you're sweet. I'm not THAT young! Come to think of it, I was 45 when my Mom died too. Weird, that.

Stacy, I'm not that much further north, and yeah: GRAY yuck!

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