Saturday, May 31, 2014

Patrick's Place

(Link in meme-roll)
Saturday Six

1. U is for UBERTY: What hour of the day do find yourself the most productive?
I'm best in the morning, between 8 and 10 or so. I'm ok right after lunch too, most of the time. But by 2, I'm seriously tailing off.
2. U is for ULETIC: What’s the longest stretch of time you've gone without a trip to the dentist?
There was a point when we were first married that I missed about 2 years. Maybe 3. Never again.
3. U is for ULTRAISM: What topic do you feel you have the most "extreme" views about?
Doesn't that depend upon the people around me? I mean, I'm a staunch feminist and pretty liberal but so are most of the people I hang with so I'm not that radical among them. I expect, were I to go to a small village in Afghanistan, I might be rather on the extreme end of things.
4. U is for URANISCUS: Which food most often burns the roof of your mouth?
5. U is for URBICULOUS: What would be the greatest appeal you would see in living in a major city?
Having something to do and things and people to watch all the time. That would also be kind of the downside, of course, too.
6. U is for UTINAM: What's something you genuinely wish for?
I wish people were kinder to one another.

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