Saturday, July 27, 2013

Saturday 9

So Much to Say

1) The lyrics refer to a baby's "one year of crying." When was the last time you cried ... felt weepy ... or at least teared up?
I cried laughing about an hour ago at a baby-laughing video on Facebook. There were some sad tears yesterday or the day before, I think it was because of a song.
2) Let's lighten it up a little. When was the last time you laughed really hard?
Same video as above, hence the laugh-crying.
3) Do you have "so much to say" that hasn't been said yet? Tell us if you owe someone a phone call, note, email or text.
I owe everyone a letter. I think I'm caught up on email. I have phone calls I should make, though, too.
4) Earlier this summer, Dave [Matthews] took a bike ride before a show and his tire blew out. He didn't have a cell phone with him and was afraid of missing that night's performance. Fortunately two fans -- driving to see Dave Matthews Band in concert -- recognized him by the side of the road and gave him a ride to the show. Share a recent act of kindness you either did, or received.
I...don't remember specifically the last 'act of kindness' I did. I feel like I do them all day every day at work some days. Received? Probably not getting creamed at any of the hundreds of four- or more-way stops in this area. People are nucking futs.
5) Before he hit it big, Dave Matthews was a bartender. What job did you have right before the one you have now?
Between my gigs as a librarian, I delivered the local daily paper at 5 a.m. It wasn't as bad as it sounds, except in the middle of winter.
6) The Dave Matthews Band recorded an album live at the Red Rocks Amphitheater, in the mountains near Denver. Is there a trip to the mountains in your future?
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Red Rocks! Totally in my backyard growing up. Going there now calms me and makes me so nostalgic; just thinking about it makes me sad that I can't go there....because I don't see mountains in my immediate future at all.
7) Do you suffer from hay fever or allergies?
...yes. I'm allergic to a lot of stuff, including corn pollen. Guess where I live? In the middle of the biggest corn field in the world. Poor planning=story of my life.
8) What's in your pocket right now?
Chapstick. Literally this one.
9) American Express promotes "Small Business Saturday," and encourages us to shop at local, independent retailers. Is there a shop, boutique or restaurant in your town that you're particularly fond of?
My local independent bookstore is da bomb!

1 sweet-talkers :

The Gal Herself said...

It's cool that you still have a local independent bookstore. Since ebooks and Amazon, I've heard it's hard for them to stay afloat, but I think they're very important.

So jealous that you know Red Rocks so well. My entire knowledge of it is the CD, but it looks beautiful.

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