Saturday, July 27, 2013


You Belong in the String Section
You pride yourself on being a reliable and dependable person. You are easy to get along with.

You are very capable. When there's a job that needs to be done, you'll do it with precision and accuracy.

You are a warm and welcoming person. You want everyone in your group to truly belong and get along.

You don't need to stand out from the crowd. You'll gladly put your needs ahead of other people's.

You are good at carrying on with life
and not making a fuss about what you're feeling. You are very stoic.

People don't often know what's going on beneath the surface with you. You are quite reserved at all times.
Man, we were rockin' along in this one...only to come to a shrieking halt there at the end. And I don't want to be in the string section, anyway; I play flute.

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