Saturday, July 27, 2013

Patrick's Place

Saturday Six

1. What's the most exotic animal you've actually been able to touch in person?
I think I got close enough to touch one of the tigers, lions, or wolf-dogs when we went to a nearby 'retirement home' for former (i.e., rescued) 'performing' animals. Actually, maybe it was the camel! I know I touched the one-eyed horse, but that's not exotic, just sad.
2. Was it dead or alive at the time you touched it?
Oh, they were all alive, thank God.
3. What's the most exotic animal you've gotten closest to without touching?
See above. There were bears and a lynx too.
4. What's the most exotic animal you tend to enjoy watching most at a zoo?
Wolves. I love the wolves. And the large primates.
5. What's the most exotic animal you've seen in the wild in your neighborhood?
We've had deer wander through our yard occasionally. Lots of bunnies and squirrels. Skunks, of course, and probably racoons, and bats. Lots of bats at night. Probably a few very stealthy foxes too.
6. If you could hold any exotic animal (or have a one-on-one encounter if it's too big to hold) and you knew there was no danger of being injured, which animal would you choose and why?
Being as how I'm allergic to cats and, to a lesser degree, dogs, I guess I'd have to go with something hairless like a snake or a bird. Except I'm probably allergic to feathers now too. But I'm completely unfussy beyond the allergy issue. OK, true confessions: a baby coyote would be so awesome. I'm completely addicted to this blog.

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