Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Chats on the Farmhouse Porch

(Link in meme-roll)

1. Are you looking forward to fall?
I like fall, a lot. But I haven't had enough of the HOT summer weather yet to be wishing for fall yet. The last couple of weeks has been way too cool to suit me.
2. What are the three best colors for you to wear, and the three worst?
Best: blue, green, pale yellow. Worst: red, white, bright yellow.
3. What is your favorite kind of juice? If you are not into juice, you can tell us your favorite flavor of soda, tea, coffee, Tang, mud, etc.
I like grapefruit juice, but probably shouldn't have too much of it as it messes with some of my meds. I don't mind grape juice or apple juice, but I really wish it was easier to find juices that don't have a shit-ton worth of sugar added to them. I prefer pop, though, over all, and I'm sure my regular readers know my favorite.
4. Have you ever been in the hospital (at least an overnight)? You don't need to share the ailment, but tell us what the longest time is.
I spent four nights in the hospital when I had my hysterectomy--they thought it was a much worse medical problem than it turned out to be--and four nights when Sparky was born--again, they thought he had some kind of infection that turned out to be a false alarm. Sigh. Medical "practice" in action.
5. Do jingles, songs from ads, and TV or movie themes stick in your head? Do you find yourself singing them? (This question means that I'm trying to find out if I'm the only crazy person who sings quirky stuff!)
Yes. I sing random snippets of all kinds of things and often have no idea why any given tune is running through my head at any given time. I sang "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus" to Beast the other night because the words, "Come on, stand up" made me think of that song, out of the depths of my memory; I haven't heard it sung or played in decades.

1 sweet-talkers :

Patrice said...

We've had plenty of hot weather and far more rain than usual. I like juices with no added sugar. They get crazy with the sugar they put in things. I never know why a random tune inhabits my head either.

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