Wednesday, July 24, 2013


You Are Blue
You are a natural caretaker. You can't help but nurture those around you, even those who may not 'deserve' it.

You are a
warm and compassionate person. You think that our society should be more welcoming, inclusive, and helpful.

In love, you give it your all. Relationships are your priority, and you will fight for any relationship you're in.

You just prefer being in a couple. You like companionship and commitment.... it makes you depressed to be single.

At work, you do best in one-on-one situations, especially where you can be a mentor, teacher, or guide.

You like to work with people to help them realize their potential.

Even in your career, you prefer to be taking care of others.
Welcome to the Reference Desk, also known as the psychiatrist's or social worker's office. It's been a banner week for crazies and pervos, and yes, I do feel a responsibility to 'take care of' everyone regardless of their relative sanity. Lately--it the past two years or so--I've become rather good at caretaking.

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