All right, I like bananas, but they are NOT my favorite fruit, nor do I eat them endlessly. In fact, I throw away a lot of bananas, more than I actually eat (she says, aware of the half-blackened bananas on the kitchen counter). I have no idea what "banana soft serve" is, either, but it sounds hideous. However, the italicized parts are right, for what it's worth.
You Are Down to Earth You don't consider yourself to be anyone special, but people find your humble attitude refreshing.
You take life as it comes and find happiness where you can. There isn't a spoiled bone in your body.
You don't splurge much - you don't feel the need to. You can be content with something as small as a fresh piece of fruit.
Unlike most other people, you never try to impress others. If they don't like the real you, they're the ones missing out.
The banana treat you're most likely to enjoy is banana soft serve. All you need is bananas to make it.
And of all the types, you consume the most bananas. And they may not even be your favorite fruit!
Sunday night
5 years ago
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