Saturday, April 6, 2013

Saturday 9

(Link in meme-roll)
Whenever I Call You "Friend"

1) How did you meet your best friend?
I met Jen the first day of college band rehearsal; we both played flute. I met Beast not too long after that when he showed up in my dorm room looking for my roommate with whom he shared Chemistry class (to flirt with her). I met Amy at a Data Processing (now Cataloging) Committee meeting when her library was joining our consortium.
2) Mother Winters used to say she loved all us kids equally, but at various times she liked one of us more than the others. Does your "friend ranking" ever shift? Or is the person you think of today as your best friend always #1?
Obviously, I have more than one best friend so there's some shifting around among them sometimes. I don't really rank them anyway.
3) What makes you a good friend?
I'm honest, extremely loyal and try hard to be kind.
4) Think back to your childhood -- what games did you and your friends like to play?
There were few kids in my neighborhood. As a very young child, when there were kids around, most of the games revolved around "playing house" as I recall, or chasing each other around. Later, there was Frisbie, jumping rope, jacks, cars, hide-and seek, etc.
5) Would you rather lose your hair, or the little toe on your left foot? (Yes, you must commit to giving one up.)
Hair. There are always wigs.
6) Think of the phrase, "like nails on a blackboard." What is your least favorite sound?
Screaming. Shrieking.
7) Do you add fabric softener to your wash or place a softener sheet in the dryer?
No. We haven't used fabric softeners of any kind since Sparky had a skin reaction when he was about 6 months old. That would be 20 years, for those keeping track.
8) Showtime, HBO, or neither?
We have HBO. Beast likes Bill Maher. I don't care either way.
9) Have you ever fired a gun?
Not a real one. This is on my bucket list. I've already put my order in my my eldest nephew for this, but he's a little busy.

5 sweet-talkers :

I am Harriet said...

I so agree with you on the wigs and friends.

Kwizgiver said...

Oh, yeah, I hate screaming and shrieking. Squealing. All that stuff.

katie eggeman said...

Grandson #1 use to be a shrieker and it was piercing, I am glad he out grew that.
Katie atBankerchick Scratchings

The Gal Herself said...

My oldest friend always wanted to play house because she loved her baby dolls. I wanted to play vet and put splints on her plush toys. It's amazing we stayed friends.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised at the number of people more willing to part with their hair than their toe... what does a baby toe do for us, really? Hehe. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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