In case you hadn't noticed, I was gone for the past six weeks. I gave up meming for Lent. It was very difficult, believe me!
The next month doesn't seem to bode well either: I've signed up for an ecourse for training for some work stuff that runs through the month of April. The syllabus was posted today. Having now looked at the six page-downs of links to resources I'm supposed to read, I realized that all my fun time just disappeared for the month. No memes. No Facebook games. I'll be lucky to get Poetry Month posts up every day!
So, yeah. See ya in May, or perhaps I'll 'allow' myself one or two memes on weekends. Anyway, I'm not dead. Yet.
Sunday night
5 years ago
1 sweet-talkers :
I wondered where you went! Happy Easter. :) Good luck with your class.
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