Saturday, December 8, 2012

Patrick's Place

(Link in meme-roll)
Saturday 6

1. N is for NAME: Were you ever tempted to change your name, and if so, which name would you rather have had?
This is the sort of question that gets my goat every time. Close to 50% of the population does does change names at least once in their lives. Yes, I have changed mine. I have days when I totally regret the change, and days when I wish I'd've changed it to something totally different. But I'm too lazy, and cheap, to do it again.
2. N is for NATURE: What do you enjoy most about being in the great outdoors?
Silence. Or at least, the lack of the sounds of people talking. I like the sound of wind, of animals, and even traffic, preferably distant.
3. N is for NEWSSTAND: If you had to purchase a magazine at a newsstand, which title would you be most likely to buy?
If I'm shopping at a newsstand, I'll be buying People or Us for a flight or another long, boring period of time.
4. N is for NICKEL: If a president were to replace one of the current presidents on our coins, which one would you like to see immortalized on our currency next?
Anyone but Reagan (or Taft or Harding) would be fine. OK, I'd love to see Obama on money, but not right now of course.
5. N is for NOSE: Which aroma from the kitchen is your favorite?
Baking bread, or any other baking, really. I'm a sucker for baked goods. 
6. N is for NUT: When you’re ready for a snack, which variety of nut is your favorite?
Cashews right now. I like almonds too. Filberts are nice. I'm really pretty non-particular, though I go through phases of preference. Next up may be fresh walnuts, for all I know.

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