Saturday, December 8, 2012

55 Qs...

(Found here)

1.] What age is your youngest aunt? All my aunts are dead after living quite long lives (except for the one who died of scarlet fever at 6).

2.] Do you miss someone right now? ...quickly rising on the list of Meme Questions I Hate.

3.] What can you see northwest to you? I'm actually facing northwest on the couch here. So, I can see the dining room, the kitchen and out the back window (into blackness).

4.] Do you like bowling? I don't mind it, but I wouldn't want to do it regularly.

5.] Can you pronounce Italian words? Sure. I can pronounce ALL words; however, native speakers are unlikely to understand many of them.

6.] Do you prefer Black or Beige coloured jackets? Dark--don't show so much dirt. (Staunchly ignoring the random capitalization.)

7.] Do you own a hoodie? Yes I do.

8.] Do you like roasting marshmallows on a bonfire? Why not? I am not a big fan of eating the finished product, however.

9.] Do you like cheesy puffs? They're ok. I like crunchy Cheetos better.

10.] What's your name without vowels? My first name is only half as long. My last name is only 4% shorter.

11.] How many layers of clothing are you wearing? Aside from my underwear, just the one.

12.] When was the last time you got a take away? What did you have? We ordered pizza at some point this week, though technically that was delivery. Haven't had take-away per se for quite awhile, unless you mean drive-thru fast food. In that case, I had it this morning.

13.] If you could climb any mountain or range which would you choose? Seriously? Well, let's just go with the Himalayas then. I'd also like some superhuman skills to make the whole enterprise much easier.

14.] Do you alphabetically arrange anything in your room house? What? Noooo....? I don't think so, though I could be wrong. I think the only thing I alphabetize here at home is my reading list. Even the files in my desk are arranged by subject rather than letter.

15.] Have you ever visited Nope. ... Now I have, and I don't need to do that again.

16.] Do you prefer sweet or sour fruits? Sweet. Surprised?

17.] Do you like Flo Rida? Which song of his? I don't loathe him, but I also don't pay much attention to which song is which.

18.] How are your dancing skills? Sadly lacking.

19.] What is your favourite number? 16. It's safe to tell you that because I don't use it for any-bloody-thing.

20.] Describe your best friend to me? My best friends, not because of any reason I can come up with, tolerate and like me.

21.] What is your favourite alcoholic drink? Stoli. Though a glass of Chardonnay or Pinot doesn't go amiss either.

22.] Do you do any sports or have you done any sport professionally? Hah! ha ha ha ha ha

23.] What is your ringtone? "The Sweetest Thing" for Beast and Sparky, and Worf's voice for everyone else.

24.] Do you like chilli flavoured chips/crisps? So, yeah, this confirms we're speaking Brit. Categorically no.

25.] Do you curl or straighten your hair? No. I gel it, occasionally blow it dry, and call it even.

26.] What's the nicest smell of shampoo? "Clean" works for me.

27.] What smell turns you on? How about turns you off? On: clean, (fresh) sweat, wood, woodsmoke
Off: old sweat, grease, too much cologne

28.] Who's your favourite comedian? George Carlin.

29.] R&B or Reggae? I'm going to give reggae the edge, primarily because modern R&B tends to make my ears itch.

30.] What brand of batteries do you usually get? Duracell, I guess.

31.] Are any of your friends pregnant or have kids? I'm 49 years old for God's sake! I have friends with grandchildren.

32.] What is in your medicine cabinet? In ours, there is shaving stuff and cologne on Beast's shelf and perfume and deodorant on mine. No clue what's going on in Sparky's. They are small cabinets.

33.] What's your favourite aspect of the natural world? Color, I guess.

34.] What's your favourite man-made thing? "Man"-made?? Shoot me....

35.] Can you whistle properly? "Properly" as in musically? Yes. "Properly" as in loud? No.

36.] What song do you think is the most widely heard in the world? "Happy Birthday."

37.] Where's the strangest place a fast food restaurant was located? Twenty years ago we stopped at a Pizza Hut in Montana that was, quite literally, the only thing in sight at an exit off the interstate. It was quite busy and passably good (Pizza Hut, after all), but still kind of weird.

38.] What countries surround your country? Or are you not land locked? Canada and Mexico.

39.] Do you own binoculars or nonoculars? What do you use them for? Well, assuming you mean "monoculars" I don't use either. They don't play well with my glasses.

40.] Do you ever wish you had a telescope on the roof or attic to stargaze? Nope. Not my thing at all.

41.] What's your favourite chocolate bar? Butterfinger.

42.] Do you fall asleep easy in cars? How about planes, trains and boats? Yup. Well, not boats, though only because I don't think I've ever been on a long enough boat ride to sleep.

43.] Would you rather live a year of your life in every major country or stay in the same place you live forever without vacations? Former. The latter is pretty much hell on earth as near as I can tell.

44.] What will you not tolerate in a person? From a stranger, I don't take personal abuse well at all. From people I know, I tend to be happily oblivious a lot of the time until things are really out of control and I snap.

45.] Do you forgive others easier or yourself? Why is this? Depends on the issue at hand.

46.] How was God made, if he exists? Dunno. Wasn't there.

47.] Have you ever done aqua aerobics or polo? I did water aerobics when I was pregnant.

48.] What age were you when you learnt how to swim? plock

49.] What shows or characters scared you as a child? Everything scared me as a kid.

50.] Do you stay up all night on New Years Eve/Day or go to bed after 12am? I usually don't make it all the way to midnight.

51.] What's currently in your fridge? Not much. Surprising how clean things get post-Thanksgiving.

52.] How about your freezer? Stuffed.

53.] What could you be doing now that is more productive? Well, virtually ANYthing, no?

54.] Give me some lyrics from the song that's stuck in your head? Nothing is currently, for which I'm grateful.

55.] What's your favourite type of firework? Points for an original question, but I'm afraid I don't have a good answer. I like the kind that sparkle down after the explosion.

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