Saturday, March 10, 2012

Saturday 9

(Link in meme-roll)

1. Have you ever had a romantic breakup that was easy?
It's usually easier if it's a slow drift from opposite sides of the country. And yes.
2. When was the first time that you felt betrayed?
Probably about age 2 seconds. And regularly thereafter. It's gotten less frequent over time as I realize that nobody owes me anything.
3. Do you feel religious beliefs should have a role in politics?
Not in this country.
4. Are you doing anything special this weekend?
Here's the list for today: laundry, call Katherine, update book blog, sweep (and perhaps vacuum?), go through this week's mail (and generally excavate to countertops in the kitchen), register for IUG conference. I should also figure out dinner. Tomorrow, Sunday School, bell choir performance, then taking Sparky back to college at the end of his bizarro Spring Break.
5. Oreo cookies turned 100 years old this week. How do YOU eat an Oreo?
Twist apart, lick, and pitch the outsides. I don't really love Oreos, just the filling.
6. If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?
Since many of the things about myself that need changing are actually POSSIBLE (like weight-loss, being more self-aware, etc.), the only thing that comes to mind is that I'd like to be 20 years younger.
7. Describe a time when you should have tried harder.
This is one of the things I beat myself up about ALL THE TIME. So, I could write a 20,000-word essay to answer this but the short answer would be ALL THE damn TIME.
8. What is your favorite baseball-related movie?
My favorite baseball-themed movie would not really be about the game, since it's hardly my favorite thing in the world. So "Major League" because it's possible I'm in it somewhere, in a crowd scene.
9. What is one lesson you have learned in the past year?
"Put one foot in front of the other" or, in whatever words, just keep going even when you can't take another step. It's been more imperative than ever this year--between work, home, and family events--that I find the tiniest spark of joy in things, because otherwise I'd've been lost.

6 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

Your weekend is w-a-y busier than mine. Will you have a chance to nap at all? I mean, isn't that the point of a weekend? ;-)

Unknown said...

I loved Major League, even though I could not think of the name of the darned movie when I was doing my post. lol

Pumpkin Delight (Kimberly) said...

Major League was a riot! Your #9 is very wise.

Misty DawnS said...

Great answer to #9!

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

I thought I saw you in that Charlie Sheen flick... ;)

katie eggeman said...

I forgot about Major League! #9 Keep on keeping on.

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