(Link in meme-roll)
I Second That Emotion
1. Do you ever solicit advice on your love life? Well, first of all, I'm married, so "love life" is somewhat of an oxymoron, no? And, no; while I rant occasionally, my friends are smart enough to know I'm not asking for a solution.
2. What was the last thing you argued with someone about? Oh, hell, I dunno. I'm sure it was something totally lame though. To be honest, I don't remember arguing with anyone in the past week. At least, not out loud; I've had some seriously rabid comments run through my mind in the midst of conversations at work.
3. Who do you hate right now? I don't 'hate' anyone. I'm pretty narced at the Republican Party leadership, though. They seem to be trying to drag women kicking and screaming back to about 1950. Or 1850 maybe.
4. Who do you love right now? Beast. He cleaned up and Roomba'd all the main floor of the house, along with the hall and spare room upstairs today so that when I got home from work I could mop the whole main floor of the house. 'Course, he was asleep in bed at 5:30 when I walked in the house.
5. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Here is good. I'm hoping we've paid off Sparky's college bills by then, and he's fully launched. Let's see: I'll be 54 for God's sake! Maybe Beast will be retired from his current job? I dunno. I sure hope I have a different boss....
6. What is your craziest vice? Brach's Conversation Hearts. I can't possibly keep eating these, but I also can't stop!!
7. How did you celebrate Valentine's Day? We went out to a really awful Italian restaurant for dinner. Oh, well.
8. What is your most unique or fondest memory of a special Valentine's Day? I don't remember most of them; it's not really a holiday I care about.
9. Were you in the same location five years ago that you are today? Would you have expected to be? Geographically: Yes, and yes.
Sunday night
5 years ago
1 sweet-talkers :
A bad Italian restaurant is a major bummer. Major.
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