(Swiped from Kwizgiver)
One Thing .....
that makes you smile: accomplishment
that makes you cry: pain
that you love to do on the weekends: sleep in
that you do for only yourself: read
that you have in your underwear drawer that's NOT underwear: uhm, nothing? Maybe some dust?
that you do before going to sleep: read, do crosswords, or do sudokus
that you do within the first 15 minutes after waking: try to go back to sleep
that's in your purse: I don't use a purse
that you actually LIKE to clean: I don't mind washing dishes
that you DETEST cleaning: floors...I really hate vacuuming
that other people would find odd about you: when I'm relaxing, I rub my feet together without being aware of it...it drives Beast NUTS
that you would buy if I handed you a $100 bill: I have no idea
that you feel you HAVE to do before you die: own property in the mountains
Sunday night
5 years ago
2 sweet-talkers :
I rub my toes together before I fall asleep, that's something odd? I thought everybody did.
Hah! Maybe it's BEAST that's odd for NOT doing it!! lol
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