Saturday, February 25, 2012

Patrick's Place

(Link in meme-roll)
Saturday Six

1. Consider the last time you went shopping to a single store: which store was it?
The last store I was at in any capacity was Walgreen's Rx drive-thru pickup this morning. The last store I went inside was...jeez...I guess it was Meijer's last weekend when I went grocery shopping with Beast. I'm assuming fast food doesn't constitute a store?
2. Consider the last time you went shopping at a mall: which store was the first one you went into?
I...can't remember the last time I was at a mall...when was the last time I went shopping with Amy?
3. Do you prefer to shop in a mall or in a strip of stores downtown?
I prefer NOT to shop at all. If I have to shop, I generally prefer an indoor mall in the winter, but otherwise, I don't care. I do try to do a percentage of shopping at non-chain stores, however.
4. You have to go downtown to purchase something in a store there, but the only parking places are parallel spaces near the store or a parking garage five blocks away: which are you more comfortable using?
I'll walk. But what is this "downtown" of which you keep speaking? Do people still have "downtowns"? We do in the place where I work, but it's actually The Square. "Downtown" to me sends me back to grade school when Mom talked about shopping downtown instead of the new mall...four blocks away. Or "Downtown Denver" which was a 45-minute bus ride away. There is no such thing as "downtown" in the biggest city near where I live now.
5. Have you ever bumped another car while trying to park your own car?
Yup. Especially when parallel parking, it's pretty hard not to.
6. If you bumped a car while parking and you noticed a small mark on the car’s fender that you might have caused, but saw that no one saw you bump it, would you leave a note, or just move elsewhere and pretend it never happened?
Nowadays, I'd probably leave a note, because traffic cameras are EVERYwhere.

3 sweet-talkers :

C. J. Smith said...

Cheers! I, too, dislike shopping! It's always nice to meet another person who dislikes the chore!

It's sad to hear there is no downtown near you. The small city just south of us has a lovely downtown shopping area that we go to every couple of weeks. They've been working on revitalizing the downtown and it shows.

Cat. said...

No, we HAVE a downtown area, both locally and in The Big City; they are not CALLED "downtown" by ANYone at all.

amy said...

We bought shoes! I love those shoes. Boy shoes, of course, but what would you expect.

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