(Swiped from Kwizgiver)
1. Are you scared of bats? No, I think they are AWESOME; they eat mosquitoes and other things that annoy me.
2. When you were a kid, did you go out on Mischief Night? I didn't really know what that was at that point; I'm not even sure I know what it is today.
3. What is your favorite trick-or-treat candy? ALL of it! ...except those weird orange waxed-paper-wrapped peanut-butter things which are icky.
4. Have you ever seen a ghost? Not in real life. Lots of 'em on TV though.
5. The most memorable costume you ever wore? The zombie outfit I wore all day at work c. 1990.
6. Do you dress up on Halloween? Nope. Well, ok, I wear Halloween colors and sox.
7. Any cooking or baking you do for Halloween? Nope.
8. Have you ever been to The Haunted Mansion at Disneyland or Disneyworld? Yes, both. Pretty funny, actually. Sparky was terrified at it, but he was 3.
9. Any element of the season you don’t like? I'm not a huge fan of the allergies that kick in for me this time of year. Burning leaves, etc., irritates me for the same reason, but I do love the smell.
10. What is your favorite scary movie? P s y c h o
11. Do you cook the pumpkin seeds from your carved jack-o-lanterns? Nope.
12. Are you intrigued with vampires? Intrigued, a bit, but only of the 'old-fashioned' ones. I did enjoy the vampire in A Discovery of Witches. ;-)
Sunday night
5 years ago
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