(Swiped from Kwizgiver)
1. What is your favorite written work of horror fiction? Pet Sematary, or Salem's Lot or Carrie. Although the short story "The Birds" scared the shit out of me--much scarier than the movie.
2. What is your favorite work of science fiction/fantasy? I guess...the Narnia series? Or maybe The Hunger Games. I like Harry Potter too.
3. Who is your favorite monster? Not Lady Gaga. Probably Cookie.
4. What is your favorite Horror movie? Psycho.
5. What horror movie gives you the most chills? I don't watch the movies that give me chills. Chills lead to nightmares. Pass, thanks.
6. What character from any horror film would you most like to play? None of them.
7. Freddy or Jason? Jason, cuz at least he can take OFF the mask (I haven't seen either series).
8. Ghosts or goblins? Ghosts, I suppose.
9. What did you do for Halloween as a kid? Trick or treat, after wearing my costume to school and participating in the Halloween Parade there. This was obviously before people started trying to ruin Halloween for kids.
10. What’s the best Halloween party that you’ve attended? I guess it would be one I attended when I was about 15. I don't really hang out with people who throw Halloween parties. In fact, that might be the deal-breaker on a friendship.
Sunday night
5 years ago
1 sweet-talkers :
It's sad that kids can't wear their costumes to school anymore. That used to be the best part of dressing up. Especially since it was usually so cold outside that we would cover up our costumes during trick-or-treating.
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