(Found here)
no clue about the title, as usual
Do you think that your life is exciting enough to be made into a movie? Do you think anybody would actually enjoy it if it were a movie? It would make a good anti-insomnia movie.
If you were the opposite sex, would you be attracted to you? Right now, probably not.
Have you ever walked around your house naked? Not the whole house, and not completely naked, but I have scampered from the shower into the basement because I didn't have the pants/shirt I needed.
What's been in your mouth today? Food, drink, gum.
Do you ever talk to your pet like it's a human? Sure. Doesn't everyone?
Do you know any guys who wear eyeliner? I don't know any guys but I've seen a few kids at the high school and in the library wearing it.
Do you prefer profile pictures of you by yourself or with someone else? Usually just me, or not me at all.
What did you last say out loud? "Did we just flicker?"
Have you ever abused Smarterchild? Not that one particularly, but many others.
Do you go on webcam when strangers ask you to? Hell no!
What do you think of Basshunter and the story he tells through his music videos? I don't really watch music videos anymore.
Has anybody ever been threatened by you? There are some people who seem to walk carefully around me at work.
Have you ever made yourself throw up? Nope. If I could do that, my life would be easier. Usually I wake up, or become aware that I'm going to be sick at least an hour before anything actually happens. Often it's more like two hours. By the time something finally happens, I just want to get it over with.
When you're in a store with someone, do you ever wander off and leave them talking to themselves? Not someone I like. ;-)
Have you kissed a random person for money? Ugh, no.
Has anyone ever paid you for sex? UGH! NO!
Has someone of the same sex ever hit on you? ...possibly...?
Is there a celebrity you hate, but everyone else loves? Most of them.
Did it bother you to find out that Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Toothfairy [sic] were not real? Like, 40 years ago when I found this out? Yeah, it was a bit of a bummer, but I've had 40 years to sort it out.
How many times have your brushed your teeth today? Once, but only half-assedly.
Do you laugh at the number 69? ...sigh... No.
When did you last go to the movies? It's been months, possibly a year or more.
Miley Cyrus: Love her or hate her? Don't care, don't watch. The SNL bits about her are pretty funny, though.
What have you eaten today? Cold pizza, donuts, candy, bread-and-butter, candy, candy, candy...well, it IS Halloween. Oh, and a cookie. Sigh. Tomorrow, real food.
Have you ever sent your boyfriend/girlfriend out to the store to buy something embarrassing for you? Possibly. I don't remember.
Have you ever watched Little Britain? No.
What does the last wall post on your Facebook page say? It's this link.
Do you and your boyfriend/girlfriend fight about stupid little things? Yes.
Have you had sex over 100 times? Uhm, 25 years of marriage....yep, I think I'm well into the 4 digits even. {eyeroll}
Do you have any fruit in your fruit bowl right now? My "fruit bowl"?? I have some apples on the kitchen counter, if that works for you....
Do you keep letters from your ex? I have all the letters I received in college. So, yeah.
Do you have a Twitter account? Yes, I do.
If yes, what does your last tweet say? " Boo!" to my son.
Do you ever call a penis a cock? Well, yeah, at times.
Have you ever licked someone's nipples? Pervert! lol Yes.
Are your parents funny? Not so much anymore.
Do you think dreadlocks are awesome or gross? In a theoretical way, yuck. But they look good on some people.
What's something scary that has happened to you recently? The past several months has been pretty scary with Beast's back issues and some of the surrounding issues there.
Have you ever had someone admit to being in love with you for a long time? Yes.
What do your feet look like right now? They're in sox. I think they probably look at a little blue at the edges; pretty cold.
Is your boyfriend/girlfriend in the popular group at school? Not anymore. He was, kinda, when we were in school.
Do you look good when you wake up? Who the hell knows? Probably not--but I can't see myself till I get up, put my glasses on, and look in the mirror
What can you hear right now? We're watching last week's CSI on CBS.com becasue our DVR is psycho.
Have you ever hooked up with somebody, knowing that they had a partner already? Uhm, not "knowing" but getting a pretty clear view of that eventually. Young, stupid, me.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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