(Swiped from Kwizgiver)
1 – What was the scariest movie you have ever seen? "Officially" scary: Psycho. Otherwise scary (to me): Schindler's List.
2- What was your favorite Hallowe’en costume as a child? Can I just say how much I love that spelling of Hallowe’en? Favorite costume was the clown. I think it was my mom's last gasp as costume creator.
3- Given enough money what would be your fantasy Hallowe’en costume? It depends on where I'd be wearing it. To an indoor party? To a bonfire? In Hawaii? In northern Ontario.
4- When was the last time you went trick or treating It was probably 8 years ago when we'd just moved to this house. It was BLOODY cold and windy, so we didn't get very far around the neighborhood.
5- What is your favorite Hallowe’en candy? Skittles, Smarties, red licorice. Or plain chocolate.
6- Tell us about a scary nightmare you once had. As a kid, I used to wake up freaked out because I was dreaming about perfect geometrical shapes. Yeah, go figure; I dunno either.
7 – What is your supernatural fear? I would NOT want to be haunted. Living stalkers are scary enough, thanks.
8-What is your ‘creepy-crawlie’ fear? Not a real big fan of scorpions.
9- Tell us a time you saw a ghost or heard something go bump in the night. I heard my dad say my name in our kitchen about 2 years after he died. That was weird, and not pleasant as he sounded quite annoyed.
10- Would you stay overnight in a real Haunted House? Sure.
11-Are you a traditionalist or a creative carver of you[r] Jack-o-Lantern? Traditional, due to my lack of artistic skills.
12- How much do you decorate the house at Hallowe’en? We currently have two spiders on the front porch for Trick-or-Treat. That's it, and they are ONLY out for the hours we're here. One moves.
13- What do you want on your Tombstone? Sausage and onions. ;-)
Sunday night
5 years ago
1 sweet-talkers :
It took me a minute to get your Tombstone answer.
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