Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday Stealing

(Link in meme-roll)
The W.T.F. Meme

1. One of my favorite TV shows recently changed the actors who played two characters. Have you ever been bothered by a TV show or movie series changing actors who play a character you love?
I'm still upset about Bewitched. WTF, people, really?
2. A coworker recently shared a link to a blog listing the "five things you should know before dating a journalist." As a journalist, I can honestly say the writer was spot-on. What are some things people should know before spending time with you?
Most librarians have a wide swath of knowledge, much of which is only about yay deep. But we can FIND an answer if we don't already KNOW it. Which means we can be a giant pain sometimes. Also, don't even try to play Trivial Pursuit with us!
3. What is something you often do without realizing that you're doing it?
Bite my nails.
4. Who has the capacity to make you angrier than anyone else in your life, and what in particular does he or she do to make you so angry?
Beast and Sparky are the only people who are able to regularly make me see red. It's mostly that I don't feel like I have to keep a tight lid on things with them, and that's not fair, but there ya go. Plus I'm around them more than most anyone else, especially Beast.
5. If a fairy waved a magic wand and gave you the house of your dreams, where would it be and what features would it have?
I love my current house (though it needs a DEEP cleaning right now). I would rather it were in the mountains of Colorado somewhere though, maybe near the San Juans.
6. What’s a belief that you hold with which many people disagree?
"Hell" and "heaven" are not as much places as they are states. I think some people would say that means I'm not a Christian. Fuck 'em.
7. I used to talk in my sleep. In fact, I could carry on a conversation with someone when I was fully asleep, and my mom used this fact when I was a teenager to find out if I did anything wrong and was hiding it from my parents. If you were talking your sleep tonight, what do you think you would say?
"I'm so fucking tired. Leave me alone so I can SLEEP for a change!"
8. The fourth installment of the "Twilight" movie series ("Breaking Dawn Part I") will be released in theaters soon. Movie theaters started selling advance tickets for midnight showings months ago. Have you ever attended a midnight premiere showing of a movie?
Wow-deja vu: I answered this on Friday!! I don't 'do' premieres. EVER.
9. On Tuesday, tigers, lions and bears were let loose in Zanesville, Ohio, by their owner before he committed suicide, leading to a hunt in which 49 of the animals, including 18 endangered Bengal tigers, were killed. How would you react if you saw "Caution exotic animals. Stay in your vehicle" being displayed on a road sign?
If it were any time but April 1, I'd do as instructed, though I'm pretty sure if I didn't know the area well, I'd be thoroughly confused.
10. If a company opened a theme park aimed at adults, what would you name one of the rides?
The Job Market/Economy Roller Coaster.
11. Imagine you just moved onto Sesame Street. Which puppet would you want as your new roommate?
Cookie. Or possibly Grover. No one with a high-pitched voice, for sure.
12. Have you ever had a weird crush on a famous person that didn't make sense to you?
Hmmm, yeah. Welcome to adolescence.
13. If you get ten minutes to interview any celebrity of your choice, who would you like it to be?
Bono. I'd only have to ask one question. He can go on endlessly about just about anything, I think. ;-)
14. You've just won the complete DVD collection of all the movies starring one actor or actress. Which actor/actress would you pick?
Robert Duvall.
15. Actor George Clooney recently told People Magazine that he doesn't use Twitter "because I will drink in the evening and I don't want anything that I could possibly write at midnight to actually end my career." What is something you've said through social media and then regretted it?
Any time I have given any indication of my actual job, my true location, my real name or the names of those around me on blogs. I think I'm sufficiently over-paranoid to be aware of the fact that my family and friends (and boss, and library board, and the general public, etc.) can see anything I post on Facebook, so I don't get too carried away there since it's tied to real life.
16. VH1 has re-introduced its hit show "Pop-Up Video," which gives behind-the-scenes facts for popular music videos. What musician would you be most interested in learning behind-the-scenes facts about?
Wait. They still make videos?? I had no idea. Uh, I think I already know far too much about most celebrities.
17. If you stumbled across someone's personal written journal that was accidentally left in a public place, would you read any of the content?
Sure. I read Sparky's travel journal for his trip when he was 11, though I never told him or let on. There was a reason for it, which was not addressed, so it was a bust. And if I didn't know the person, I'd be even less worried about reading their journal. OTOH, I haven't been able to crack MIL's journals from her teenage years.
18. What is the title of a self-help book that you'd never want to see on a store bookshelf?
How to Cure Herpes Through Exhibitionism.
19. Many media outlets have been asking this question a lot this week... Which Halloween costume do you think will be overdone this year?
Zombies, or vampires. I'm so sick of hearing about either/both.
20. Should a marriage license have a renewal date or expiration date, like a driver’s license?
Renewal's not a bad idea, but who the hell would we want doing the management??

3 sweet-talkers :

Adie said...

Stopping by from Sunday Stealing!
Loved reading all your answers!

BrSpiritus said...

I can relate to #2, not a librarian but a consummate researcher and I can find the answer to anything.

Everyday Fish Philippines

Kwizgiver said...

That book title gave me pause. ;-)

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