Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Queen's Meme

(Link in meme-roll)
Mimi's Old Memes Meme

1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? (from The Silly Questions Meme)
OK, I've answered this question 12 times in the past. I don't remember looking at myself at all this morning. I did my hair, but I was looking at my hair. I don't really ever look at myself that closely.
2. Name something about humanity you absolutely hate. (from The Monday Melee Meme)
And this was a regular on the Monday Melee, so it's been answered a few times. I really wish we could step outside ourselves more consistently.
3. What was the first lie your mother ever told you? (from Ten Lies My Mother Told Me meme)
Aha! A new one! The first one was probably, "It's ok" when I was a baby. It's the first one we all here, I expect. The first one I remember? Uhm...wow, I can't honestly remember mom lying to me.
4. Name one thing you should never say around a Ouija Board. (from The Ten Things You Should Never Say Around a Ouija Board meme - from Frank @ Honk'n'Hollr)
Another new one! :-) I don't believe in Ouija, so I'd ask ANYthing.
5. What kind of soap is in your bathtub right now? (from the I Think I Caught Something Meme)
Three previous hits on this one. The answer has changed too: there's two kinds of bodywash, one face wash, and no soap.
6. If a doctor told you today that you were pregnant, what would you say? (The Honesty Meme)
Four previous hits. And the answer is the same, more or less: I would find another doctor. There's literally no way I could be pregnant short of some kind of biblical-level miracle involving reconstituted body parts.
7. Are you in a complicated love situation? (from The Don't Call Me, I'll Call You Meme)
ALL love situations are complicated! [first time for this one, as far as I can tell--even though it's really familiar]

2 sweet-talkers :

Mimi Lenox said...

Interesting that you remember questions like that. I don't think I've done the Monday Melee since then - is there still one of those?
I wrote the Ouija board question and the Mother Thing but I think Frank started it with a fill in the blank question. It was a meme twist of sorts. I'm plodding through my blog from start to finish. There are memes there I'd forgotten about with good questions . Some are about to get revived as I did today. Or canned. Just depends.
Thanks for playing.
I hope I don't throw out any repeat questions next week.

Cat. said...

I don't remember this stuff--I searched this blog! Holy cats, I don't even remember to take my keys to the car some days. ;-)

No worries; I don't mind reruns as long as they aren't lame-o ones like "Have you ever fallen in love?" or "What would you do if your best friend talked behind your back?"

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