Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday Mayhem

(Link in meme-roll)
We're Ticked Off!

1. What made ticked off the most yesterday?
Mostly, myself.
2. What ticks you off about your local mail service?
Oh do NOT get me started on this! We actually pay for a p.o. box in the town where I work because our mail delivery here is so psycho. I'm not even going to get started on this one, because my blood pressure will skyrocket.
3. What ticks you off about the opposite sex?
Men tend to 'tough it out' too much, IMHO. I think that's a cultural thing, not a genetic thing, though, so I can't really blame them.
4. What ticks you off about eating out?
"Everything ok?" three minutes after the food has arrived, usually asked while my mouth is too full to answer, or before I've even had a chance to start eating.
5. What ticks you off about the internet?
Bad writing. And flashing .gif images. And the all-around busy-ness that people think makes me want to stay on their site when the exact opposite is true: give me white (or whatever color) space and good font with your intelligent content, please!
6. What famous person really ticks you off?
Just one? Really? This is a total Sophie's Choice question. Today, we'll go with "everyone on FOXsnooze."
7. What ticks you off about people on the road?
Go.The.Freaking.Speed.Limit. Or pull over.
8. Name something about politicians that ticks you off.
9. Tell us about a story you have recently heard that really ticked you off.
So, there's this local woman who disappeared about a year ago while visiting friends several hundred miles south of here. There is a Facebook page dedicated to finding her. And the main people who post on that page are the most opinionated, vindictive, idiotic, self-centered people EVER! Accusations and counter-accusations, 7th-grade "I've Got a Secret" comments, general schoolyard bullying of people who make conciliatory statements. It's like a freaking soap opera of the worst kind: The Real Housewives of [My] County. Sigh. I should just quit, but I really want to know when (if, really at this point) they find her.
10. Are you feeling less ticked off now?
No, actually, just the opposite. :-P

3 sweet-talkers :

Henrietta said...

Your #9 answer makes me want to change my #5 answer to something along the lines of I hate how the internet seems to bring the worst out in people. They think they can up the drama a few hundred notches and no one will care, blah!

I am Harriet said...

I have a friend who calls them Foxtards.
I'm with ya on those drivers too.

Thanks for playing.
Have a great day!

EMTWench said...

Here are my answers:

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