Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday Hodgepodge

A Beautiful Day
via Bud

1. July 20th marks the anniversary of the first time man stood on the moon. Flash forward 42 years to July 8, 2011 which marked the start of the final Space Shuttle mission. Should we continue to explore space? Should nations devote more or fewer of their resources to exploring space? Would you want to go into space if the opportunity arose?
I think we could do worse things, but I think we should figure out some things here on Earth first. I wouldn't mind going into space.
2. What are three things in your freezer?
Freezer packs, frozen chopped onions, M&M ice cream cookies. And not much else, due to our 3-day power outage last week.
3. If you could see any band/artist perform live tonite who would it be? It has to be someone living--no Beatles, Elvis, etc.
I hear Paul McCartney is coming to town soon....
4. Ice-cubed or crushed? Or are you one of those people who don't like ice?
Cubed. Primarily because getting crushed ice from our freezer involves a great deal of noise and ice sprayed everywhere.
5. The owner of a small restaurant outside of Pittsburgh recently announced he was banning children under six, saying they regularly disrupted other customer's meals. You can read the story here in more detail but isn't this a perfect topic to discuss in our Wednesday Hodgepodge? Have at it friends...what are your thoughts?
I'm all for it. I love kids, I don't mind noisy kids in restaurants or anywhere else (church, or what-have-you), but there are some instances where people ought to know better than to bring in their kids. I suspect that this restaurant isn't the kind of place anyone sensible would bring their children, and yet some parents are incredibly stupid and self-centered.
6. What was your first car? How did it come to be yours?
The first car I drove more than anyone else was my mom's 1971 Toyota Corolla with a push-button starter (added because the shop didn't have the right starter in stock and it was cheaper to just install a button anyway). Y'know, it occurs to me that I have no idea what happened to that car....
7. If I had a nickel for every time I said "Sorry" in a week I'd be rich.8. Insert your own random thought here.
I'm watching the ESPYs on DVR and I'm really shocked at how much Aaron Rodgers looks like our former IT guy, sometimes called Sleek, when he's (Aaron) dressed up and clean. Sleek would be unhappy at this comparison, really.

2 sweet-talkers :

Mary said...

3-day power outage? Hope it's not too hot where you are!

Amiee said...

When we have a power outage, we don't have any water. I wouldn't want to have to go that long without power. Hope you stay cool!

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