Wednesday, July 20, 2011


(Link in meme-roll)
Eating ramen noodles and Starbursts while in witness protection

1) If you had to go into the witness protection program and were given the chance to chose your new name, what would you pick for your name?
I'll go with my porn name: Tippi Cherokee.
2) In many books there are random blank pages, sometimes right after the credits page or between chapters. Sometimes the pages say "This page is intentionally left blank." Why do you think they feel the need to say that, and is it really "blank" if that is printed on it?
We have to do this in session minutes at my church to show that nothing has been omitted or added to the record. There is a reason. So there ya go.
3) The makers of Starburst candies has based its current ad campaign around the idea of contradictions (They're solid but juicy like a liquid). In what way or ways is your life a contradiction?
In virtually every way possible. Sending a kid to college, preparing for the passing of our last parent. Whee.
4) July 20 is "Ugly Truck Day." Who seriously comes up with these things? What is the ugliest type of vehicle?
There are those square weird Honda things...not a fan.
5) People who drive pickup trucks and own dogs often drive around with their dogs roaming around loose in the bed of the truck. Do you think this practice is okay or is it wrong in a PETA type of way?
It's dangerous and people who do this are stupid, and/or don't really care about their animals.
6) Borders announced this week that it will close the rest of its 399 stores after a bankruptcy earlier this year and closing many stores already. With the invention of electronic book readers and e-books, do you think the print book industry is totally dying or do you think there will always be people who prefer to read books on paper?
I work in a library--let's not get me started on this topic, eh? I do own a Nook, and I do read paper books.
7) Have you ever thought you saw the face of the Virgin Mary or Jesus or some other religious figure in an inanimate object?
I don't look at my food that closely, thanks.
8) I heard a local radio talk show discuss ramen noodles in depth last week. A woman called in saying she made spaghetti with ramen noodles, tomato soup, and Italian seasoning. Do you have any good (or just interesting) recipes that use ramen noodles?
Gah, that just sounds horrid. And no: they are for heating in the microwave (or a hot pot) and slurping down at 2 a.m.
9) What do you think is the most repulsive form of music?
"REPULSIVE"?? I dislike a lot of music, but none of repulses me! Even the ones that rely on swearing and absolutely no advanced thought.
10) When I was a kid and all my classmates were at summer camps, I was always stuck at home because my parents couldn't afford to send me off to camp. Were you one of the lucky kids who got to go to a summer camp of some sort?
I never went to camp. Which is (and was) ok with me.

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