Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday Thunks

(Link in meme-roll)
Pass the paste, please

1. There is a song out there about you... it's on the radio, the video is on tv (just not MTV) and everybody in the world knows this song is about you. Who sings it?
My luck? Weird Al.
4. Have you ever sneaked..snuck...snucked...what is the right word? into a movie?
Sneaked. Yes. Indiana Jones #2.
3. Déjà vu; meaning "already seen", is the experience of feeling sure that one has already witnessed or experienced a current situation, even though the exact circumstances of the previous encounter are uncertain and were perhaps imagined. Thoughts on what it is? Have you experienced it?
The older I get the more often this turns out to be not déjà vu, just faulty memory.
2. Stick it to me, baby. What is the last bumper sticker you saw and why do you remember it?
I don't remember most of them after the car is out of sight. Can't think of any I've seen lately.
10. Ever wonder what fish think about?
Uh. No? I think fish can't possibly think.
8. If you could paint President Obama's fingernails any color, what would it be?
I would NOT do anything of the sort.
7. Do you have seat covers on your car seats? What do they look like?
I don't. Waste of time/money/energy. I'm not that messy.
6. For the rest of your life you can eat one spice and one spice only (on whatever food you want, of course), what spice do you choose?
Cinnamon. Because pepper is an herb, and salt is a mineral.
9. If you could slide down a rainbow, which side would you slide down?
The blue side.
5. So a mom is suing her kids' preschool because it failed to prepare the child for the kindergarten entrance exam... did you eat paste in preschool?
There are kindergarten entrance exams? WTF? Parents are morons. And I only ate flour-water paste.

1 sweet-talkers :

Nessa said...

faulty memory would explain a great deal for me too. I choose to use deja vu because it makes me sound smarter. That's my theory anyway

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