Monday, October 18, 2010

nothing to do meme...

(Another swipe from Kwizgiver)

1. What is the closest item near you that is blue? If you don't count my blue jeans, then it would be the Sam's Club cup on the table next to me.

2. What is your favorite color? Blue.

3. When is your birthday? In about 25 days.

4. When did you last go to the mall? Probably been about 3 months, unless you count the strip mall where we went to got our rings checked in August.

5. When was the last time you bought a pair of pants? TODAY!! I bought, uh, 4 pair, in fact. Yee-haw!

6. What do you want for your birthday? I dunno. Some of the stuff I bought today might as well be birthday stuff. I also need an earring tree since I broke mine a couple of months ago.

7. Who will be your next kiss? I'll probably get a bedtime kiss from Sparky. Unless I really piss him off in the next hour or so.

8. What was the last candy you ate? Uhm? Mini Snickers a couple of days ago.

9. Are you wearing socks right now? Nope, but I do have a blanket over my feet.

10. When was the last time you went out of the state? Last weekend I was in two states outside of the one in which I live.

11. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days? Nope. Some things don't change.

12. What was the last thing you had to drink? I'm drinking my 87-cent Diet Coke from Sam's.

13. What are you wearing right now? Dow black long-sleeved T, blue jeans (mentioned above), underwear, rings, hairband....

14. What was your last purchase? A hot dog at Sam's right after I dropped $180 on groceries, etc., there.

15. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Beast, about 10 minutes ago.

16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? $200 worth, today.

17. Do you have a pet? Sparky has a guinea pig. I may have mentioned that.

18. What's the last sporting event you watched? Hm, actually it was a race yesterday. Somehow, I missed football all day yesterday. Hmmmm....

19. What's the most played song on your iTunes? I have iTunes issues, ergo, n/a.

20. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? Here. Now.

21. What is the last thing you purchased online? Baby shower gift, and books.

22. One thing you hate about yourself? My apparent inability to take proper care of myself.

23. What's your favorite soup? Chicken tortilla.

24. Do you miss anyone? Every second.

25. Last play you saw? Been awhile...maybe uh...ok, I don't know.

26. What are your plans for the day? At this point, continue to catch up on DVR'd shows and then go to bed.

27. Last person you msg'd? Beast & I texted a few times before he called.

28. What do you know about the future? It can't be stopped, and it will be unexpected.

29. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne? Just stinky body lotion and some body spray in my hair with the same stink (to cover up the smoke smell from last night).

30. Where are your best friends located? All over. Somehow, I've ended up with best friends who aren't very nearby. Poor planning on my part.

31. How old do you want to be when you have kids? Maybe about 30? lol

32. Who was the last person who made you cry? Myself.

33. Do you have any tattoos or piercings? The same two earlobe holes and no ink.

34. How do you like your soda? Fizzy and cold, though not necessarily icy.

35. Do you like hot sauce? I do, though I'm not sure if it likes me much anymore.

36. Next time you'll take a shower? In about 10 hours. I promise.

37. What was the last movie you watched at home? Uhm...don't really know. Been awhile. I'm kinda stuck on the TV shows.

38. What is your mood? OK. Wish I felt better.

39. What kind of car do you drive? Ford Ranger. Jonesing for a Jeep, though.

40. Have you ever been to Virginia? Yes, about three years ago.

41. What are you doing right now? Watching CSI:NY from a couple of weeks ago.

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