Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday Five

(Link in meme-roll)
In the Museum

1. What is the best painting you've ever seen in a museum or art gallery?
I like the local Seurat. And there are a few from the Hermitage that I remember being pretty impressive too, though I don't know the names. I also really like Mary Cassatt's work. And of course all the lovely things at the Vatican and the Uffizzi Galleries. Botticelli: omgwow!
2. What was the most interesting display you've seen in a museum setting?
I like children's museums: they aren't static.
3. Have you ever been to a Children's museum? If so have you been as a child and/or as an adult? If so did you find it more interesting as you were older?
lol I should read ahead, eh? I don't think children's museums existed when I was a kid, but we took Sparky to them lots of times. They are fun, even if you don't speak the language of the country in which the museum is located. In fact, that may be one museum that you don't need to know the language.
4. What is the most important thing you learned in a museum?
How to share space with others. Oh, wait, I probably knew that going in. Uh, maybe how to appreciate stuff that I wouldn't normally look at twice.
5. What is your most memorable trip to a museum?
I was allowed to wander the British Museum all day on my own when I was a teen. My parents went off on their own, and I did whatever I wanted. It was absolutely wonderful!

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