(Found here)
always remember: I don't make up these titles!!
Do you have any Pepto-Bismol in your house? Yes. I think? Maybe not; if so, it's the chewable tablets.
Do you have a favorite flavor of vodka? I like plain, straight 80-proof Stoli. Gone are the days when I could down a shot of the 190-proof.
Is your backyard big enough to fit a trampoline? ...and then some.
When was the last time you had eggs? Yesterday morning? No, Friday.
How often do you blow dry your hair, and what color is your blow dryer? I blow-dry about twice a week, and the dryer I use is gray.
Have you ever gone to bed later than three AM? Yes. Sometimes I go to sleep at 10, and then again at about 4. Insomnia bites.
Have you been to a surprise party before? Yes, I have. I've had two thrown for me--both baby showers--and I hope never to have it happen again. Not that they weren't fun, but yeah. Not really a fan.
Would you ever buy someone one of those singing birthday cards? Sure. I've received one or two of them.
Are you good at wrapping presents? I have good moments, and (perhaps more) bad moments in this realm.
What is your least favorite month? April? Or January.
Do you enjoy movies with Seth Rogen, and what is your favorite? None of them. To be fair, I haven't seen any movies with him in them, either.
Have you ever gone to see a movie the day it came out? Nnnoooo? I don't think? Maybe the first HP?
Are you aware that CDs come out on Tuesdays and movies come out on Fridays? They debut, or 'street' those days, generally, yes. Since we're generalizing, books also tend to street on Tuesdays.
Do you know anyone that has not completed high school when they should have? "Should have"? If this means do I know any dropouts, yes, I do. I've run into them regularly at work over the years, too.
Do you think Ed Westwick is good-looking? Now that I've Googled him, yes, he is. A bit on the young side for me, though.
Have you ever listened to The Lonely Island? Nope. Had to Google that one too.
What is the main color of your Xanga? Please! Does Xanga even still exist?? Wow, it does; shocking.
Have you ever painted your nails red, purple, or blue? Yes, yes, and yes. Also, green, black and pink. NOT all at the same time; one color at a time, only.
Do you like movies/books about drugs, and why or why not? Well, if that's the extent of the plot, then no.
Do you have scrap paper by your computer desk? Of course!
Do you make your own money? No, I prefer to use the stuff the government prints.
What is the color of your shampoo bottle? One is periwinkle blue, the other is kind of muddy green.
Have you ever kept a bag from a store because you liked it? Sure. I tend to reuse bags almost as much as Amy.
Have you ever burnt yourself so that it left a scar? Yes; curling irons are dangerous some mornings.
Was the last thing you drank carbonated? Yes. I just finished my drink from lunchtime. It was a HUGE cup, ok?
Do you own any yellow clothing? I just bought a yellow shirt today, as a matter of fact. I don't own much.
How many lamps are in your living room? Five? Six if you count the 'candle-lamp', seven if you could the kerosene lamp. Plus two overhead light systems.
What is the color of the numbers when you dial on your phone? My numbers don't light up. [that sounds...unclean]
What kind of gum did you last have? I'm currently chewing a piece of Eclipse, peppermint, I think.
Who has the longest hair in your family? I do. Sparky's hair was a little longer than mine before he cut it last year, but I think that phase is over for good for him.
Sunday night
5 years ago
1 sweet-talkers :
At first I thought you meant that you reuse me. I was, briefly, taken aback.
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