Saturday, June 12, 2010

Saturday 9

(Link in meme-roll)
Goodbye to You

1. Have you had to say goodbye to a good friend or lover because they were moving?
Yes. Or because I was moving. And because the eddies of life are that way. It sucks.
2. Have you ever wanted to use personal information about someone to sort of "blackmail" them? If yes, tell us about it.
Nope. Creepy.
3. What two things influenced the choice of your present job or to stay at home?
Lack of other ideas, and the fact that I love doing research and have a picky-detail sort of mind.
4. Do you like warm weather? How warm does it get where you live? What is the best way to spend a hot, summer day?
I love hot weather, but hate humidity. Unfortunately, where I live now it does both in the summer, though not Deep South kind of hot and humid. I like a nice 90-degree day with no bugs and no humidity. Is that too much to ask? Around here, yes.
5. What do you find "hot" in a man/woman? What is the first thing you notice about someone who is hot? Do you ever think of yourself as hot?
I'm a sucker for a good voice. And being easy on the eyes doesn't hurt either.
6. Are you quick to anger? How do you react when you are angry or frustrated? What do you do to cool down?
I tend to pop off at the mouth. Walking away, or not rising to the bait keeps the lid on, but I pretty much have to go talk to someone, or at least find something completely different to do for awhile to really settle down.
7. In your family, who is the least like the rest of you?
Uh, I'm assuming this is my extended family, and I'd have to go with one of my brothers-in-law, since one is a mental nightmare to be around and the other is an end-stage alcoholic. We are all adults, so we've all managed to make our own lives that don't really resemble each others'.
8. What are a few great books that you've taken along to the beach or on vacation in years past? If you aren't a big reader, what do you do to while away the lazy hours?
Uh, I read non-stop. There is virtually no way to remember what I've read on vacation over the 40 years I've been reading. I do remember taking The President's House on two subsequent trips to Maine over a decade ago, and reading loads and loads about furnishings and rehabs during various administrations. Usually I just take cheap paperbacks from the library booksale these days.
9. Do you like going outside during a thunderstorm and watching the lightening [sic]?
I can watch from inside too, but I don't mind sitting on the porch in the rain. It's very calming.

3 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

I'm with you on the vacation books--too many to remember.

Oooh, I forgot how much I love a good voice.

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

Don't hold back! Tell us what you really think about your brother in law...

Cat. said...

Oh, Bud, I have: here and here (coincidentally, in response to the same question), here, here.... :-)

His voice is annoying too. lol

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