1) What part of your day-to-day life requires the most patience from you?
Being interrupted or having plans or schedules change. I'm not as good at 'going with the flow' as I look like I am. It disrupts my center, though less than it used to. So, I guess, that's progress.2) What are your favorite winter activities?
Sitting by the fireplace, scraping snow and ice off my truck windows, shivering, staying under the covers in the morning as long as possible to avoid the cold, trying like hell to remember that spring and summer WILL come again....3) What do you think of high heels?
I love wearing them. I think they are absolutely ridiculous.4) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.
This example of mutually opposing concepts brought to you by your average, ordinary woman. No thanks are necessary.

Truly weird photo. Definitely a good one for those of us who like a little spooky in our lives. It reminds me of "Macbeth" and midsummer night's eve celebrations.
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