Friday, November 27, 2009

Dating Profiles Meme

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Go Fish
Weekly, we scour those on-line dating sites to respond either a person's profile or often their headlines as most of us would really like to do.

1. Like to go fishing. Not really interested in hunting anymore.
"Whew. Good. Cuz, yeah, fish aren't really animals anyway."
2. When describing my best traits, I kind of sound like I'm describing a puppy.
"How nice. But I like men who are at least paper-trained."
3. I'm not an alcoholic or anything, but I do enjoy high proof beverages.
"Denial--the last refuge of an addict."
4. I seriously have a radar for freaks so stay clear because I won’t respond.
"I'd say it's even money on whether you talk to yourself."
5. With the exception of living out my dreams of spending my life on the shoreline, there is absolutely nothing I lack.
"OK, so then why are you looking for a date again?"
6. Sight unseen, trust me when I say this. On a scale of 1-10, I am an absolute 10!
"'Sight unseen'? You don't own a mirror with which verify this information?"
7. I can be so intense sometimes I even scare myself.
"I scare easy. So...good luck and goodbye."
8. I want someone funny but not a spaz.
"Basically, you don't want to date anyone like yourself then."
9. Well, the truth is, I'm a nerd who's looking for another nerd to spend happy hours doing nerd-like things together.
"You sure know how to sell a good time. Pass...."
10. I'm looking for a long term sizzle rather than jet-lagged flash.
"I'll bet you read Harlequins and believe every word."

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