Friday, November 27, 2009

Cinn's Friday 5

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so who's in charge here? barking out loud so clear

[01] Who last told you "no"? Were you angry?
"No" would upset me much less, I think, than the 53rd "What?" from my idiot son. TAKE. THE. FUCKING. EARBUDS. OUT. OF. YOU'RE. FUCKING. EARS.
[02] What scares you about getting old?
Loss of control/independence. [hello, Dad] Especially when I consider that I will be relying on my idiot (deaf) son....
[03] If you could, would you rather jump back two years as a "do-over", or jump ahead two years for a fresh start?
I do not want to live the past two years ago, but skipping the next two sounds lovely! Where do I sign up?
[04] When you get angry at another driver, how do you react? What do you yell?
I rarely get angry. I do get pretty annoyed though and mutter at people regularly. "Yo, turn signal much?" "Yeah, and I'm gonna know what you're planning cuz I can read your mind?? Asshat."
[05] If you won $5000 today, would you use the winnings to help yourself or someone else?
Yes, in this order: taxes, savings, charity.

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