Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Thursday Thunks

(Link in blogroll)
BS, Dog Kisses, Memories And You Guessed It...More!

1. Have you ever played Bullshit?
I have, oddly, with my son when he was younger. It would be a game I'd excel at were I not playing with an 8-year-old. I think he brought it home from daycare, by the way. I played something called "I Doubt It" as a kid, but it was WAY different than anything the link explains.
2. A dog licks you on your face. Are you disgusted or thinking it was sweet?
I *heart* doggie kisses.
3. Tell us about a fun/special memory you have of a grandparent.
My mom's dad died 22 years before I was born. My dad's dad died when I was about 3. My grandmas we're in nursing homes from my preschool age until they died when I was 8 or 9. The only halfway normal grandma memory I have is lying on dad's mom's couch when I was sick once and having her take care of me. She had a bag of marbles--the only toys in the house--in the linen closet.
4. Have you ever pet a rat?
Alive or dead?
5. If I walked into your kitchen, where are the cups?
To the right of the sink. Except liquor glasses: beer stuff is right by the fridge, wine glasses are on the wine rack in the dining room.
6. Since you already let me in your home, I found the cup and had water, now where's the bathroom from the kitchen?
If you're standing at the kitchen sink, turn left and walk about 6 feet. Turn left again and walk about 12 feet and you're in the bathroom.
7. Have you ever pet a turtle or tortoise?

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