Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday Stealing

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The Family Meme

1. What is something your mom/wife always says to you? "You never write, you never call." I've given up trying to convince her I just called, so now she's just right.

2. What makes your mom/wife happy? Having her kids nearby...except not really then either. She's not a happy person.

3. What makes your mom/wife sad? Her kids' departures.

4. How does your mom/wife make you laugh? When I can get her to giggle, it makes me happy.

5. What was your mom/wife like as a child? I. Have. No. Idea. It makes me nuts. There are some things she's told us, there are some things we've pieced together, but her clue.

6. How old is your mom/wife? 87.

7. How tall is your mom? 5'2" (with eyes of blue)

8. What is her favorite thing to do? Nowadays, sleep.

9. What does your mom/wife do when you're not around? See #8.

10. If your mom/wife becomes famous, what will it be for? It ain't hap'nin'.

11. What is your mom/wife really good at? She used to be VERY organized and dutiful to an amazing degree.

12. What is your mom/wife not very good at? Being light.

13. What does your mom/wife do for a job? See #8.

14. What is your mom/wife's favorite food? Pie. Ice cream. Cake.

15. What makes you proud of your mom/wife? She's the toughest woman I know.

16. If your mom/wife were a cartoon character, who would she be? She wouldn't be.

17. What do you and your mom/wife do together? Not much. I talk, she sleeps, I feed her, I read books to her.

18. How are you and your mom/wife the same? We both share a horrible temper, a huge sweet tooth, and stubbornness.

19. How are you and your mom/wife different? In every other way. I hope.

20. How do you know your mom/wife loves you? I hope to hell she does. I wouldn't actually know, having not heard her say it more than a few times in my life.

21. What does your mom/wife like most about your dad/yourself? She married dad for his auburn hair. He was a good-looking young man, judging by photos.

22. Where is your mom/wife's favorite place to go? I. Have. No. Idea.

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