1) What is the most evil thing you’ve ever done (that you’re willing to admit online)?
Oh the nasty, gossipy things I've said over the years! Actually, one of the things that I will have to work out in my next life is being angry and not resolving that anger with someone who is now dead. Time's up on that one.2) Of all the people from the Bible -- excluding Jesus, because that is too easy ;-) -- who would you most like to meet?
I would stipulate having a video camera, and I'd want to meet Eve. WTF really happened with that snake?!3) What is the most beautiful sound you’ve ever heard?
Waves lapping me to sleep about 25 feet from my bed.4) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.

It looks like Christmas to me. Red candle with sparkers emanating from it...it's a very cool photographic effect, but all in all...it just makes me feel all Christmas-y. Kind of nice on a rainy Monday morning in March. [how accidentally alliterative is that?]
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