Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Blah blah blah

(found here...of course)

1. Plans for this weekend? I work on Saturday and Sunday this weekend. I should go to church on Sunday. And Beast will be home on Sunday too.

2. Why did you stop liking the last person you liked? N/A

3. Are you usually the heart breaker or the heart broken? I try to keep from being either, but y'know...that's not always realistic.

4. What are you listening to? Nick & Warrick wrangling over a case (on CSI)

5. Name a quote from the song you are listening to: "Pool cue chalk." [OK, it's not a song, oh well]

6. What are you doing right now? Sitting, meming. Closing my eyes for a count of 5 every few minutes.

7. Are you missing someone? I'm missing warmth.

8. Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth? No. I tend not to play this game.

11. Why did you cry last? Don't remember. Almost this morning, IMing Beast about my conversation last night with James.

12. What was the first thing you said when you woke up today? "Good morning. Do you want something hot for breakfast?" Sparky was cleaning the porch off.

13. Is there a meaning behind your profile song? No lo tengo.

14. Do you have a best friend? Yup.

15. What was the reason why you and your last boy/girl didn't work? He worked just fine. Or do you mean work a job? Cuz he didn', I mean.

16. Have you ever hated someone, but ended up being friends with them? I wouldn't say I hated them, but I've gotten to be friends with some people I didn't like much.

17. What do you think of people who DON'T have sex before marriage? Not really any of my business, is it?

18. Do you own a pair of green pants? Army green, yes.

19. Are you more independent or dependent? Uh...both? Depending on the situation.

21. Do you believe that what comes around goes around? It does in my experience, and I sure as hell hope it does in others'!!

22. What is your favorite fruit? Cherries.

25. What is the most important thing in any relationship? Trust, honesty.

26. What is the last song to make you cry? Can't think of one.

27. Does anyone love you? Yes, thank god!!

29. Is your best friend pretty? Yes.

30. Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom? Yes. Not as often as I used to.

32. What's the one thing that's getting you through this week? Sheer muleheadedness.

33. Who do you miss? No one.

34. Do you give out second chances too easily? Not as much as I used to.

35. Where was your last car ride to and from? Home from work.

36. Where is one place you want to visit? The Kalahari.

39. Ever felt that no one relates to you? YES!

40. Had plans and broke them? Welcome to adulthood, in general.

42. Who do you like? Everyone who hasn't shit on me lately.

43. Are you a vegetarian? No. Emphatically NO!

44. Do you lead people on? Only in the sense of leading them to whatever they need at work.

45. Who are you jealous of? Not so much jealous right now. I envy little kids, though.

46. Are you lover or fighter? I'm a blogger.

47. Do you think your ex's new love is a player/slut? Have no idea who my exes are with now.

49. What/who can always make you laugh? Small children giggling.

50. Who's your number 1 on myspace and why? No MySpace.

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