Wednesday, February 13, 2008


From the Survey Queen, natch

1. Did you play with Barbies or G.I. Joes: Barbies...and before that, Dawn Dolls.

2. Did you own Treasure Trolls: I think there was a troll in the household when I was a kid. I didn't care about it.

3. Did you watch Beverly Hills 90210: Absolutely never.

4. Did you play Simon Says: Lots.

5. Did you watch Fraggle Rock: Nope.

6. Did you wet the bed: I think I have done this a total of 10 times in my life, at most.

7. Did you believe there were monsters in your closet or under your bed: No, there were enough real monsters in the world to invent them.

8. Did you wear the underwear with the days of the week on them: Yeah, as if I could've convinced my mom to buy those! Not.

9. Were you shy: I was DEADLY shy until I started college!

10. Were you spoiled: My siblings say I was. I beg to differ.

11. Were you abused: I was spanked rather more than people nowadays think is healthy, but substantially less than anyone else in my family.

12. Did you go to the circus: Once as a child, once with Sparky when he was a child. Oh, and once in Moscow, which is a whole OTHER kind of circus!

13. Did you go to the zoo: Lots of times.

14. Were you in a car accident: Just one, a fairly minor one in front of my house (mom was driving).

15. Did you build snowmen: Nope. We rarely had the right sort of snow, and it was a little much for just me. I did mazes instead.

16. Did you cry when you scraped your knee: Yes. Prerogative of being the youngest. ;-)

17. Were your older cousins mean to you: Nope. I only remember hanging out with them about five times (and by the way, they are ALL older than me...MUCH!).

18. Did you think slinkies were cool: I love the metal ones. The plastic ones suck.

19. Did you think the Ninja Turtles really lived in the sewer: I was in college when those appeared and couldn't have cared less.

20. Were you afraid of the dark: Not really. I sort of welcomed it.

21. Did you have slumber parties: Not at my house, and only very occasionally at others'.

22. Did you have New Kids on the Block sheets, pillows, pajamas, sleeping bag? See my response for #19--I wouldn't not have been caught dead with this shit (still wouldn't!).

23. Did you tease your hair out like Tiffany: Uh, no. I'm no Jersey Girl (and I was in college, dude!!).

24. Did you believe in the Easter Bunny and/or Santa Claus and/or the Tooth Fairy: Yes.

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