Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Quite lengthy (hah)

(Go here for more)

1)Do you share your room with anyone? Just Beast.

2)Is your room big or small? Big enough not to feel cramped.

3)What colors are the walls? Sand and sea blue.

4)What color are the carpets? Wood floors.

5)What color are the curtains? Pale blue and white.

6)What is your bed like right now? It's kind of pulled together and looking very inviting!

7)What's your room like right now? A little messy, but not awful.

8)What furniture do you have in your room? Bed, two nightstands, two dressers, two chairs, and a quilt rack (which is actually a clothes-rack).

9)What's on your desk? If you have one? My desk--in the office--has two fairly tidy piles of papers (to be filed, to be 'handled'), my books-read cardfile, three file slots, a lamp and a stack of scratch paper. And tape. And paper clips, and...yeah. Lots of little bullshit I should put away....

10)Do you have any books in your room? Whats your fav one? The only books in my room are usually some of the ones I'm currently reading.

11)Do you have any toys in your room? There are 6 or 7 stuffed animals in there.

12)Do you have any clothes in your room? Well, yeah!!! :-)

14)Whats on your shelve's? In the closet--the only place where there are shelves--I have sweaters and jeans in piles, some fabric boxes from Ikea with assorted stuff, and three plastic shoeboxes full of socks. God knows what's going on in Beast's closet. I'm afraid to look!

15) Any posters up? Er, no. Kinda over the poster thing.

16) Where is your bed? Centered in front of the window.

17) Anything up on the walls? Two prints, a painting, a cross, and a photograph--all water-related. And a mirror.

name: Cat.

age: 44

location: sofa

how are you feeling right now? Feeling guilty about what I'm not doing...again.

have you done anything interesting today? Decidedly NOT!

what is the best thing in your life right now? Sparky.

what's the worst thing in your life right now? waiting...waiting for the bad things to happen...cuz they are coming. I can see them, and I know it's going to hurt.

when was the last time you went to the seaside? Uh....a VERY long time. Probably more than 15 years!

did you jump into the sea? Not that I recall, no.

did you build a sandcastle? Sort of (but it was by a lake, not the sea).

have you ever lied to your parents? Shhhh, don't tell, but yes.

have you ever fallen asleep somewhere unusual? Yes.

have you ever bitten your tongue when you were eating? Yes, but not recently. I've now jinxed myself....

have you ever wet yourself laughing? No, not really.

what's the earliest memory you have? Lots of little weird flashes, nothing that makes a lot of sense.

when was the last time you wrote something long by hand? Uh...can't think back that far! :-)

what does the last text message you received say? Moo Quack...etc.

who was the last person to call you? The nurse at the pediatrician's office. Finally!

has a friend ever helped you though hard times? Of course!

have you ever helped a friend through hard times? I hope so.

who was the last person to see you cry? Probably either Sparky or Beast.

what's the best piece of advice you've ever been given? Walk with confidence. {Hi Dad!}

if you could remove any person from this earth who would it be and why? I think we should launch Cheney into space.

have you ever hurt anybody physically in temper? Uh, myself? Yes.

have you ever got so drunk that you couldn't remember a thing? I've never completely blacked out, but there are some pieces missing from some evenings in college.

do you suffer with hangovers? Not unless I drink too much!

do you love your parents? Yes.

have you ever cried watching a film? if yes, what film and what part? I cry in almost every movie.

what's the funniest memory you have of school? Running into a wall headfirst.

what's your biggest fear? Failure.

have you ever been homeless? No.

have you ever spent the night in a police cell? No.

what was your first thought when you woke up this morning? "OMFG!! It's 4:11?? WTF! mmmf"

when was the last time you went clubbing until dawn? Sounds about as close to hell as I want to get, thanks.

have you ever ridden on a motorcycle? Yes.

have you ever stubbed your toe on a door? FUCK! That hurts just remembering it!!!!

what's your favourite swear word? Fuck. Fucketyfuckfuckfuck.

what's the best feeling you could ever have? Pride and joy in watching someone "get it" or figure something out.

what type of music are you into? Music = good.

do you play an instrument? Yes.

have you ever written a poem or a song? A few poems.

has anyone ever written a poem or a song about you? No clue. Oh, wait, yes.

where's the one place you like to be when you've had enough of the world? In bed, asleep.

what's the longest time you've ever stayed awake? About 40 hours.

if you had control over an army tank for the day with no rules, you would...: ...blow it up.

describe the type of person you think you'll be when you're old: Realistically: cranky. And wrinkly.

what are your three favourite songs ever? Amazing Grace, The Sweetest Thing, and Who Will Buy?

how old do you act? Varies from 25-60, depending on the situation.

what type of a person are you? Opinionated, shy, responsible, boring.

do you think the world will ever end? Yes. It ends every day for someone.

have you ever phoned a sex line? Nope.

have you ever pretended you were someone else? All the time!

have you ever taken drugs? Not anything illegal.

describe the nearest picture to you: Sparky's silhouette.

are you easily decieved? Sometimes.

are you a good judge of character? When I trust myself, yes.

have you ever fallen in public? Spectacularly!

hope you enjoyed the survey. how long did it take you? didn't look at the clock when I started, sorry....

0 sweet-talkers :

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