Friday, November 28, 2008

RevGalBlogPals Friday Five

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For this post-Thanksgiving Day Friday Five, share with us "Five People For Whom You Give Thanks to God" and maybe tell us why they are significant.
  1. Beast. He is just the best. 100%. Even when I want to kill him.
  2. Sparky. I wouldn't be half the person I am if he wasn't in my life.
  3. Jenny. I can't believe that God has place a person in my life who is as understanding, kind, funny, and in perfect sync with me. For over 20 years. Who could ask for more?
  4. Amy. Of all the people who I would have thought would be the most likely to think would become the Friend of would never have occurred to me to pick Amy. Which just shows how dumb I am.
  5. PsychoBoss, who taught me by example what happens when someone goes off the rails in every possible way, and why those choices are not ones I want to follow.

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