(from Kwizgiver)
How many Thanksgivings do you attend? Just mine. Thank God it's not an issue for me.
Where do u attend Thanksgiving(s)? Usually my house.
What is your favorite dish? Stuffing.
Do you have turkey, ham, or both? Just turkey.
What, if any, are your Thanksgiving traditions? Watch the parade. Eat. Watch the football games. Clean up the kitchen. Eat more (i.e. dessert). Finish cleaning. Collapse.
Name your FAV thing about Thanksgiving. Laughing. Every year, we have such a goofy time after dinner.
Do you use brown gravy or turkey gravy? Turkey gravy (from a jar).
Do you make anything for Thanksgiving? All of it, with help.
Do you help clean up after Thanksgiving? Yup. I don't mind--it's the best part of the day, in some respects.
What is your least favorite dish at Thanksgiving? I'm not overly fond of squash, though I make it every year. I refuse to eat regular cranberry sauce, though.
Out of everything you eat at Thanksgiving, what can YOU cook the best? We have a secret weapon with turkey.
Do you kill your own turkey? No, but it's nearly that fresh.
What do you drink with your Thanksgiving feast? Wine.
Has there ever been a fued during your Thanksgiving? No. Nor even a feud. I think when I was a kid, there were occasional raised voices in the afternoon, but I don't remember why, and it certainly wasn't a feud.
What kind of veggies do you have with Thanksgiving? Yesterday: corn, beans, squash...and potatoes if they count.
Do you have appetizers before you Thanksgiving meal? None. I have breakfast at 9 and that's it till dinner.
How many people attend your Thanksgiving(s)? 3-18 over the years. Yesterday was 7.
Name them: Yesterday it was Beast, Sparky, FIL, Gerb, James, Don, me.
Have you ever missed a Thanksgiving? There were a couple of years when it was pretty sparse.
Do you eat Thanksgiving leftovers? As opposed to...throwing them at passing cars? Yes, that was dinner tonight in fact.
What kind of pie/cake/dessert do you eat for dessert? There's always pumpkin pie, but I don't like it so I ensure there's something fruit-based like cherry or apple pie.
Do you ever play games at Thanksgiving? We've done some board-type games over the years, and cards. Not yesterday.
Name 3 things you are Thankful for: family, my life, and my house.
What time do you eat Thanksgiving? Between 2 and 3.
Is there anyone who has normally attended Thanksgiving, that will not be there this year? Who? Oops, I was supposed to do this earlier. Hee. Katherine and Alan didn't come, nor his mother and stepdad. Thank GOD!
Name the funniest person at your Thanksgiving(s): We are ALL comedians on Thanksgiving.
Which person eats the MOST? Normally, Beast.
Which person eats the LEAST? Yesterday, Beast.
Shortly describe what the women typically do on Thanksgiving. I can't 'do' short--I'm too tall. There were only two women yesterday. We spent time in the kitchen.
Shortly describe what the men typically do on Thanksgiving. None of the men are short either. And they watch the game, though Beast comes and cuts up the turkey at the end.
Do any animals attend Thanksgiving dinner? Just the turkey.
If so, do they get Thanksgiving scraps? No.
Who carves the turkey? Not me.
Have you ever had to make Thanksgiving all on YOUR OWN? Every year, pretty much.
Do you get along with the people you have thanksgiving with? Yes, or I wouldn't keep inviting them.
Baked turkey or Fried Turkey? Roasted.
Do you eat gizzards? Hell no!
Do you like whipped cream on your pumpkin pie? As I mentioned I don't eat pumpkin. But I always have CoolWhip.
Is your Thanksgiving formal, or do you just do whatever? We all sit down and eat together, but otherwise it's jeans and layabout.
Is your Christmas tree set up before or after Thanksgiving? AFTER!!
On a scale of 1-10, how much do you LOVE Thanksgiving? 400.
1. Which do you like better: Cooking at your house, or going elsewhere? Cooking.
2. Do you buy a fresh or frozen bird? Fresh. Once you've gone fresh, you're unwilling to go back.
3. What kind of stuffing? StoveTop or whatever.
4. Sweet potato or pumpkin pie? Gah. NEITHER!
5. Do you believe that turkey leftovers are a curse, or the point of the whole thing? The point!
6. Which side dish would provoke a riot if it was left off the menu? Mashed potatoes.
7. Do you save the carcass to make soup or stock? I always talk about it, and never do it.
8. What do you wish you had that would make preparing Thanksgiving dinner easier? Nothing.
9. Do you get up at the crack of dawn to have dinner ready in the early afternoon, or do you eat at your normal dinner hour? I premake a bunch of stuff, and get up around 8.
10. If you go to somebody else’s house, what’s your favorite dish to bring? I haven't done this for over a decade.
11. What do you wish one of your guests wouldn’t bring to your house? Not this year, but there have been guests I would have preferred not come at all.
12. Does your usual mix of guests result in drama, or is it a group you’re happy to see? Only happy drama.
13. What’s your absolute favorite thing on the menu? Stuffing and cranberry sauce.
14. What are you thankful for this year? My nephews. And the rest of the people around the table.
15. Share one family tradition: We don't do anything too bizarre. We say grace; nowadays, that might count, eh?
Sunday night
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