Friday, July 11, 2008

Four for Friday

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Four For Friday

Q1 - Can I See?: Almost everywhere I've lived, I've had neighbors close enough to my own home that I've often wondered what the inside of their house or apartment looked like. How well do you know your neighbors floor plans? If not at all, are you curious to see what the inside of their homes look like?
I came to a startling realization about 5 years ago: Sparky knows more about the inside of the neighbors' houses than I ever will. Kids just do.

We have been inside most of our neighbors' houses for at least short periods of time, but only THROUGH the house entirely in about thee cases (one was before they put the doors on when it was underconstruction). I would LOVE to see the floor plans of other peoples' houses. It brings out my Dad in me, though I would never sight along walls and tell people if they (the walls) were crooked!!
Q2 - Four-day Work Week: Many states now offer a four-day work week option for state employees, but according to published media reports, later this year, Utah will become the first state to switch over to a mandatory four-day work week for its state employees. Utah's Governor says he's making the change to reduce the state's carbon footprint, increase energy efficiency, improve customer service and provide workers more flexibility. How do you feel about state workers moving to a four-day work week (regardless of which state you work in)? Do you think it will help the core metrics Utah's Governor says it will (i.e., carbon footprint, energy efficiency, customer service, and worker flexibility)?
I don't care. I don't think overall it will have that much of an effect. I'd personally, rather do a lot of my job from home. The more time I spend with some of my coworkers, the more strongly I feel that way. Oh, well, ain't gonna happen.
Q3 - Virtual Worlds: During the months of April, May, and June of this year, investors poured an astounding $160 million into 16 different companies that build, manage, and host virtual reality worlds online. Perhaps even more surprising is this: leading research firm Gartner predicts that 80% of all active Internet users will be members of virtual worlds by the year 2011. Have you ever visited or joined a online virtual world (i.e., Second Life, The Sims Online, Disney's Toontown, Habbo Hotel, IMVU, Barbie Girls, Gaia Online, World of Warcraft, Lively by Google, etc.)? If so, how often do you participate? If not, do you think you'll adapt and become part of the 80% of us predicted to be active by 2011?
No. I have enough going on in my actual life that I don't need to create a whole new life to keep myself busy. Thanks.

Additionally, I think, as will all other trendy/faddy internet things, there are going to be some big investor crashes coming up because of this.
Q4 - Music: What song or album are you hooked on right now?
I came back across Nina Simone again today. Wow.

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